first day at a new school

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(Y/ n) pov~~~~

You have arrived at a new school and seen every room but two, the music room and the lunch room. You are going to take music if you can so you think, "I better go check it out first" .
You have been wandering around for a while now and can't find it, so you went and checked out the lunch room instead. It looks simple enough to figure out . You look down at your watch, "oh no its 7:55! I only have 5 min to get to class!" , so you run to your locker and get your Social Studies book, and run to class . You made it to class with one minute to spare. "Thank God I'm not late to class, that would not look good on my records". The teacher sees you and waves for you to come to the front of the room so you do. 

"Class, this is (y/n) he is the new transfer student that we have been expecting". The whole class greets you. "You can sit over there, in between Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin". She points to two twin boys; one has his bangs brushed  to the left and is waving at me with a smile and the other has his bangs brushed to the right and was looking, but when I looked back, he averted my gaze, looking to the window beside him instead. So you walk over and take your seat. After class ends you stop them in the hall and talk to them a little in order to find out which twin is which. It turns out the one with his bangs to the left is Kaoru and the other one is Hikaru. Hikaru looks a little bit annoyed, but Kaoru is friendly. You and he become friends quickly. A little into the conversation he tells you about the host club and how you should become a host so you all can hang out more. You agree. They take you to the music room. 

"Oh, I was looking for this room to see if I could take music". 

"They don't do music class anymore" Kaoru says to you. "this room is used for the host club now."

"Oh well". Tamaki walks toward you. "Hello. So you would like to join the host club?"

"Yes" you reply. "Well then, let me see what you've got. Hello my princess, today we have a new host if you would like to try him out." 

"OKKAAY", the girl says in a high pitched girly voice. You two walk over to a table. You sit down and you look down and then look up with a sexy look on your face. The girl screams and has a nose bleed. 

"So have you done any shopping lately?" 

 "O.M.G. yes! I bought a blue dress wanna see?" She pulls out her phone and shows you a picture of the dress. 

Then you say, "ah yes, I bet it would look very stunning on you." As you say that the girl blushes and you feel a sharp pain in your side so you grab it and look down. 

"Are you okay Senpai?" 

You put on your sexy face and decided to fight through the pain. You look up and put your right hand on her left cheek and say, "why yes I'm always okay when I'm with you my little cherry blossom." She girly screams and has another nose bleed. You hand her a tissue and tell her you will see her next time she comes to see you. 

She says "okay" and stands up. You give her a hug and she walks over to Tamaki and says "he's amazing" and walks out the door, blushing and  with a smile on her face. 

You think to yourself, "so anime lines work perfectly with this. Good because I watch a lot of anime. Next time I might use some lines from my manga I'm reading now, sex=love2. Of course I will have to edit them, but they will work perfectly". You look up and see Tamaki standing there.

 "Congratulations you are fit to be a host." 

Then Honey says, "I think he's going to be a real lady's man." 

"Yes, I do too, I have not even made a lady's nose bleed from affection yet, you did on your first time." Tamaki says.  

"Well, I don't know how I did it, but I did." Then you go to class and then home.

Ok so I think that I fixed all the errors I might not have if not I'm sorry and just so u know I suck at paragraphs and punctuation sorry about that anyways sweet dreams ~

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