The Home Vist

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It was Saturday and it was still early. It was six when you looked at the clock so you decided to go back to sleep.

(8:00 am )

*Knock* *Knock* "Hello can I help you?" you hear your mom say.

"Yes is (y/n) home?" Hikaru and Karou ask.

"Yes, she's in her room, if she's asleep then you can just wake her up." 

"Okay," the twins say, holding two thumbs up.

They walk down the hall. It was not hard to find your room because it had a sign on it that said '(y/n)'s room'. They walked in. Hikaru blushed and told Karou, "he is so cute when he sleeps." 

Then Karou looked at Hikaru and said "you need to tell him about your feelings towards him." 

Then Hikaru said, "I know." 

"Well, lets wake him up," Karou said. 

They shook you wile saying your name. You sat up in the bed and asked them what they were doing at your house and they turned around and you said, "why did you turn around?"

Karou speaks up and says, "look down at your chest!" You look down and your eyes get big as golf balls as you realize, all you had on your torso was a bra. You quickly grab a shirt and put it on. You apologized to Hikaru and Karou and they say, "so...... your a girl??

"Yes I am."

"Don't worry, we WON'T tell your secret," Hikaru says. You thank them both, and karou says" what kind of friend would we be if we didn't " (see what I did there :"3) u agreed and asked them once more why they were here anyways and hikaru said" oh we was going to see if u wanted to go to an arcade with us" shore u said and u got on some street clothing (ripped jeans , high tops , and a double strapped tank top) you walked out of your room and yelled mom can u French brade my hair please but she did not answer u look at the fridge and see a note that says" went to store be back in 2 hours" u said dang it and then u heard karou say come here so u go see what they want and hikaru tells u he will do your hair so u say ok and go sit on the floor in front of your bed were hikaru is sitting and he scoots back on the bed and says" i will need u to sit here because u are to short for me to reach u down their" u say" I'm not that short "and hikaru just laughs and says "no u are not your bed is just to tall" then he spreads his legs apart and pats on the bed in between his legs u say fine and sit down he scoots closer and starts brushing your hair karou just stands their staring at u two he looks like a deer in some head lights or some thing hikaru finishes your hair and u stand up and look in the mirrior and u say "wow u  did a really good job thank u" and look at him with a smile he is now sitting with his legs folded up to his chest he is blushing with a smile and says" no prob u look grate "and karou agrees and u tell them both thank u and u ask them if they are ready to go but hikaru says "no id like to sit here for about 5 more minutes" u say ok and think nothing of it but karou on the other hand falls over laughing u pic up a magazine and look throw it karou stops laughing after about 35 seconds and he go's over and pics up a magazine and sits beside u and looks throw it "whatcha looking at "karou says to u and u say "manga and anime monthly" what are u looking at "swim soot monthly" he says "oh" u say  "ya our mom is a swim soot designer" hikaru says "oh that is so cool" u say then hikaru says "alright u ready to go to the arcade "u say "yes" and karou agrees u go to the arcade with hikaru and karou u stay for 4 hours and then they walk u home their ride is sitting there waiting u say your good byes and they get in the car and u go into your house . 

  ~~~~~~~hikaru and karou 5 sec conversation after they get in the car~~~~~~~~

karou: hey hikaru i know why u wanted to sit there for about 5 min  but (y/n) did not *laughing for 5 sec*


karou laughs some more "OK i will "
This is literally killing me I wrote this when I had no idea what I was doing I still don't but guess what if gotten better so I'm going to stop here and write out of my mind ya know I have more chapters of the old one but they suck so yep

Till next time sweet dreams ~

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