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"Hello." she said. That's when everything seemed to burst into color, almost like a firework going off, sudden and everything seemed so much brighter.

"Hi." I murmured shyly.

"I'm Karlie Kloss." the girl in front of me said, holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Taylor. Taylor Swift." I answered, shaking her hand.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" she asked.

"Not at all," I said, scooting down in the booth and moving my purse to make room for her.

She sat down next to me, and shifted in her seat nervously. I suddenly found the chipping nail polish on my hands really interesting.

"I'm sorry, I'm usually not this forward at all."

"Really? But you seem so," I paused, trying to find the right word. "Confident out there." I finished, nodding my head towards the pool table.

"It's something I attribute to modeling I guess." She said sheepishly, looking down at her lap.

I shot her a nervous smile. "So, Swift, what do you do?"

"You know, my mom told me to never to talk to strangers." I teased her.

"Well, we'll just have to make sure we don't leave here strangers then." she replied smoothly.

I smiled, ducking my head. This girl was bold, way more bold than I'd ever be. Witty, smooth comments rolled off her tongue easily, whereas I was left floundering for words.

"I'm a student at NYU majoring in music therapy right now. I have two cats, Meredith and Olivia, and I spend most of my free time either songwriting, or watching Grey's Anatomy and SVU reruns." I admitted.

In contrast to her uber fancy modeling life, I seemed like the most boring person on the face of the planet. But she didn't seem deterred at all, in fact this seemed to excite the lanky girl.

"I love Grey's Anatomy! Although, I'm more of a dog person. I have a dog of my own, his name is Joe, and he's just the cutest," she gushed, pulling her phone from her back pocket as she spoke. "Here's a picture of him!"

I peered at the phone screen, smiling to myself. It really was a cute picture. Suddenly, my own phone lit up with a text from my mom. I tapped out a quick response and slid my phone back into my purse.

"So, um," Karlie started. Now I could hear the shakiness in her voice as the next song started, slowly building in volume through the speakers. "Do you like to dance?"

"That depends Kloss. Are you asking me to dance with you?"

Now it was her turn to blush, a faint red creeping up her cheeks. We both got up out of the booth, and she latched onto my hand, pulling me onto the dance floor.  We flowed easily into the crowd, and as this song melted into a slower one, I found myself reaching to pull Karlie closer.

Karlie Kloss seemed like trouble, but I had no intention of walking away

She looked away when she caught me looking at her, and I did the same, a hot blush burning my face. I bit my lip, looking at the floor, and chanced it to look up at her again, and found she was looking at me. Almost unconsciously, we both leaned in toward each other, until Abigail called me name. We both pulled away from each other, and I turned to find Abigail, who was already too far gone to be coherent.

"Tay! I'm drunk." she slurred.

"I can see that." I said, pulling her to the booth I had been sitting in. "Can I have the keys?"

She handed them over without a fight, and I tucked them in my purse. Karlie had followed us over, and as I was helping Abigail into her coat, she spoke.

"I-I had a lot of fun tonight. Can I see you again?" This was the first uncertainty I'd heard from the girl, and it surprised me to hear her voice shaking.

I smiled, nodding immediately. "I'd really like that Kloss."

She walked with me out to Abigail's car, and it had started to rain. As Abigail was stumbling down the sidewalk in front of us, she grabbed my hand, lacing her fingers through mine. I forgot everything then, I forgot it was raining, I forgot that I was shivering already, I forgot about how I was going to get Abi home without her causing a scene, I forgot all of that, and all my problems vanished with that simple gesture. Cliché, I know, but her hand fit perfectly in mine. My hands on the other, well, hand, were probably clammy and sweaty and just plain gross, but still, she held it anyway.

I glanced at her quickly out of the corner of my eye and smiled at her, looking away when she grinned back. Even when it was raining, her smile was still the brightest thing. In a world full of dark storm clouds, it looked the same as it did before I met Karlie, dark, black and white, and cold. But I was thankful for this new, bright person in my life. I knew she was going to make my dark days bright, even just hours after meeting her, she was full of life, bright personality, she was the sun in my little corner of the world. My sunshine.

Loving Her Was Red: Kaylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now