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Karlie's POV

I woke up to the sound of something thumping on the floor.

"Ow." came a muffled reply from the floor.

Hurriedly, I turned on the lamp, and peered over the edge of the bed where I saw Taylor, on the floor, sitting up now, rubbing her arm.

"Sorry... You okay?" I asked, reaching out a hand to pull her back up.

She grinned at me, and yanked me off the bed so I tumbled off this time. I stuck my tongue out at her and she just smiled at me. I loved being the reason I got to see that smile everyday, and I loved even more when I was the cause of it.

"Now I'm okay."


The next time I woke up was a lot more peaceful one.

"Morning sunshine."

"Mernin." I grumbled, rolling over and burying my face into the pillow.

Tay pressed a kiss to the side of my head, and I sighed in contentment, finally peeling my eyes open, seeing her face right next to mine, and I gasped in surprise. She grinned, pushing her glasses up on her nose. God, I loved it when she did that, it was just super adorable, and I kind of found it sexy in a teacheryish sort of way.
"Simon asked me to help him in the bathroom earlier."


"I got up to go to the bathroom myself, and he was in the hallway. He had these super cute little footy pajamas on, with llamas all over."

I watched her as she got more animated as she talked. She loved kids and it showed.

'Taywor?" Simon asked sleepily.

"Yeah buddy?"

"I have to go potty."

"Can you go by yourself?"

He shook his head, rubbing his eyes, then reaching for my hand. He clutched three of my fingers in his tiny fist and padded to the bathroom.

"I'm done." he said softly.

I picked him up, zipped his pjs back up, helped him wash his hands and he walked back to the bedroom after hugging me tightly.

We laid in bed for another 20 minutes or so until the smell of pancakes cooking drew Taylor downstairs. She rolled out of bed and shuffled down the stairs. I followed a few minutes later after using the bathroom.

I found Tay and my mom standing at the stove, Taylor dropping blueberries into the pancakes on the skillet and my mom at the sink.

"Morning honey." my mom called.

"Morning mom." I answered, walking to the fridge for orange juice.

After taking a sip I kissed Taylor and she grimaced.

"Gross, orange juice." she teased.

I handed her a mug of coffee  after putting creamer in it and she smiled, orange juice kisses forgotten.

"I love you." she murmured

"I love you too."

*** Short I know, but I've been really busy lately. I moved 17 hours away 😅 got two puppies and been super busy working. But I'll have some more free time in the next two weeks to write so expect longer, better chapters!

Loving Her Was Red: Kaylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now