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Taylor's POV
That evening, the original plan was to go to the fall festival and then I had planned a surprise date night of sorts.

One of Karlie's cousins, I think it was Damien, I still had some trouble with names, but was right 90% of the time, hadn't been feeling good last night and today it turned into the flu. He was supposed to take the kids out later, but since he was out of commission, Kar and I were recruited to take the four kids so the parents could have a break.

Karlie tried getting the twins to take them, but they were going to a party. She sighed. "I'm sorry your plans were ruined." she apologized.

"It's okay babe, besides, it'll be fun!" I assured her.

She gave me a small smile. Simon ran up to us, wrapping his arms around my legs. "Can I wear my costume now?"

"You gotta ask your mom, buddy."

He scampered off again and Karlie pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.

Half an hour later, four costumed kiddos were loaded into the van. "Auntie Karlie?" Sophie piped up.

"Yeah hon?" she asked as she backed the car down the driveway.

"Is Taytay my aunt too?"

"Yeah, I'd say so, why?"

"Okay." she grinned happily.

I smiled to myself. This weekend had definitely gone a lot better than I expected. Granted, the kids warmed up to me faster than the adults, but hey, I wasn't going to complain.

When we got to the festival the kids immediacy hopped out of the car, except for Simon, who was stuck in his car seat. The two older kids had permission to wander around as long as they agreed to meet us at the entrance after an hour or so. Simon and Sophie tagged along with us, and had a blast.

"Aunt Teffy?" Sophie asked.

My heart soared when she called me that, but I'd hate Austin forever for coming up with the name Teffy.

"Yeah hon?"

"Can we go in the bouncy castle?"

"Sure honey."

"Will you come with me?"

"Hon, I don't know if they'll let me." I admitted.

She ran up to the teenager working the booth, a sullen faced, red haired boy, who reluctantly nodded at her request.

Karlies POV

I watched as Sophie and Taylor climbed into the bouncy castle and Sophie immediately grabbed Taylor's hand.

I grinned, Simon balanced on my hip, watching them. Gosh I loved Taylor so damn much. Even in her 'Genius' sweater and leggings she looked absolutely beautiful. I teased her about not dressing up for Halloween, and she claimed she was going as a nerd, and said that I hadn't dressed up either.

So Simon and I headed off to the face painting booth, where I got my face painted like a giraffe, per Taylor's comment earlier, and Simon got a turtle painted on one cheek.

"Aw, there's my gorgeous giraffe." Taylor teased as we walked back to where her and Sophie were. I grinned at her.

A little while later, we met Jordyn and Clay, and went trick or treating for awhile, Simon and Sophia sleeping through most of it.

The next morning we were supposed to head home, so we headed back to the house around 10, now all 4 of the kids exhausted. I went to go pick Simon up out of his car seat and he screamed bloody murder.
"NO! Nooo, I want Tay!" he protested, bursting into tears.

I set him back down, and Taylor stepped in. After releasing the proper kids to the parents, Tay and I went upstairs and flopped in bed.

"God kids are exhausting." she sighed. "Simon is a little terror, he's lucky he's cute."

"You're cute." I teased.

"Oh my gosh, Sophie in her little princess costume was adorable though!"

"I still think you're cuter." I smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

We both fell asleep shortly after that, as we had an early morning, since Taylor had class the next day. We were awake before everyone else and tiptoed down the stairs. I drove this time, and Taylor was asleep in the passenger seat before we even got on the interstate.

"Babe.." I said gently, shaking her shoulder.

"Hmm." she whimpered.

"We're home."


"Cmon babe, I bought you a coffee, it's gonna get cold."

Her eyes cracked open at the mention of coffee and I handed it to her as she blindly reached for it.

"Did you get orange juice?" she asked warily.

"No, I got tea." I smiled.

We picked our bags out of the trunk and walked up to the apartment. As I flopped onto the couch Taylor called in the living room.

"I don't have class today, my professor is sick."

"Yes! Now we can cuddle all day." I grinned.

She laid down next to me on the couch, falling asleep 20 minutes later. I swear, she could sleep anywhere and through anything.

As I sat there, my mind fluttered to the mixed tape CD she had in her car. She meant to send it in, but never did. I wonder if I could get her to record another more recent one and send it in? Or maybe just send that one in and see what happens?

Either way, I wanted it to be a surprise. One of my friends had recently opened a recording studio, I'd send it to him. I just wanted to make my girl happy.

Dedication for this chapter goes to songwriter1321 & songsstoriesandsuch  cause she's super cool & the one I originally started writing with. She helped co-write the first version of red& romance back in like 2012 (which was kinda awful now that I go back and read it) we've both grown a ton in our writing & friendship and after knowing each other for like 6 years, WE FINALLY GOT TO MEET THREE MONTHS AGO AND IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE

Loving Her Was Red: Kaylor AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora