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Karlie's POV

Taylor and I had been seeing each other for a month and a half now, and we'd decided that it was time that we went to visit my parents. She had been fretting about it all week, and working herself into a stressy chicken, and I had the feeling that I would be the same way when we went to visit hers later in the month. My mom had been super interested when I'd told her that I met someone, and wanted every single detail, but I denied her the request, telling her she'd find out when we visited. My dad on the other hand, was still overprotective of me, along with Kimby, Kariann, and Kristine, and refused to believe his little girls were growing up.

"Are you sure she'll like the flowers?" she asked for the fifth time that morning.

"Eh, she's more of a tulip person." I answered, watching panic overcome her face.

She dropped the bouquet she was holding, it falling to the floor dramatically. "Shut up, are you serious right now?"

We planned on leaving in half an hour, and now she had to go get another bouquet of flowers. It'd taken twenty minutes for her to pick out the daisies she had. Although, she didn't want to come off as try hard, wasn't it like tradition to come bearing gifts of some sort, and she couldn't just show up empty handed.

"I told you that you didn't need to get flowers anyway." I teased as I picked up the bunch of flowers on the floor, spinning them in my hand, admiring them. "Wow, these are nicer than the flowers you bring me." I added with a cheeky grin.

"I've already impressed you." she shot back, pulling her phone out of her pocket. I swiped it from her, holding it above my head. "She can live with daisies. Everyone likes daisies."

"But she likes tulips more. I need her to like me." she said with a whine, jumping unsuccessfully for her phone, which was more difficult than usual due to her heels.

That surprised me, Tay wasn't one to whine or complain usually.

"They already like you!"

"That's a lie. Kimby and Kariann said they'd never heard of that before." she said, grabbing onto my arm to steady herself.

"I'm sure it's happened before, just not to anyone that we know."

Kimby and Kariann were the only ones who knew, and that was only because Tay had walked in while I was videochatting them, and said her usual "Hi honey, I'm home" bit, we'd joked about. I'd made them swear not to tell, as if we were twelve years old again, and as far as I knew, they'd kept their word.

"And besides, we're going to get there, and you're going to charm the pants off everyone. They'll love you." I promised.

"But you're the only one I need to charm the pants off of." she grinned, her whole mood shifting.

I grinned back at her, handing her back her phone which she immediately unlocked, and started looking up florists shops. "No tulips." I cautioned, taking her phone out of her hand gently and stuffing it in her purse.

"Fine. No tulips." she sighed, slipping on her jacket so we could take our luggage to the car.

"Hey, that jacket looks familiar."

"Hey, some hot girl gave it to me, back off."

I stuck my tongue out at her as we walked down the steps to her little car. I took her suitcase from her and swung it into the trunk. She peered up at me, squinting into the sun. "You're like a giraffe." she blurted. "Not like in a bad way, like a cute gangly giraffe that I wanna kiss all the time." she backpedalled.

I smiled at her, pulling her into me for a quick kiss, and then we set off to upstate New York. She was driving, and I had her phone in my lap, begging her for the AUX cord. Finally she handed it over to me with a sigh, and I cheered.

I flipped through her music library. "Your taste in music is still so weird." I teased. 

She glanced at me quickly, sticking her tongue out at me before looking back at the road. I scrolled through the hundreds of songs before settling on one I knew would annoy her.

"No! Anything but this!" she all but yelled, switching the radio off.

I pulled up a song I didn't recognize, the voice flowing, but raspy all at the same time. I looked over at her, and her face was bright red. I finally put it together, realizing that she'd recorded this.

"Did you write this?"

She nodded, her face flushing again. "I made my own rough demo to send in to record companies a year or so ago, but never sent it in. The CD is in the glovebox."

I pulled out a CD case with a piece of paper stuck inside, and looked at her for permission. She gave a brief nod and I smiled as I put the CD in the player.

"Hi, I'm Taylor Swift, and if it's alright with you, I'm going to play a few songs for you."


We pulled up to my parents house, and not much had changed, aside from the fact that they no longer lived in St. Louis. Taylor cut the engine, and we sat in silence for a few moments,  taking in the neighborhood. It was the type of suburb with picture perfect houses, manicured lawns, the type of neighborhood where kids ran and played and rode their bikes down the street. And my parent's house was no different, swing-set in the yard, basketball hoop off to the side, and landscaped sidewalk.

"It's cute." she says.

"I suppose so." I agreed. It wasn't quite the type of home I wanted, but if it suited my parents, then that was fine.

I looked over at her, and she was biting her lip nervously. Leaning over, I tugged it from between her teeth and cupped her chin in my hand, pulling her in for a kiss. I felt her shiver as I ran a hand up her arm to tangle it in her short blonde hair. All too soon, I forced myself to pull away. She looked less nervous now, but still nonetheless.

"They'll love you. Now we better get inside before they wonder what we're doing out here."

She smiled sheepishly, ducking her head as she got out of the car. We unloaded the small bags we had brought, since we were only staying for a couple days, and she had to run back to the car halfway up the drive because she forgot the flowers on the seat.

I laughed at her as I lifted my hand to knock, but never got a chance to due to Kimby opening the door and launching herself into my arms. Taylor hurried up the steps after me, and followed us into the house. Everyone else was waiting in the den, and I took the bags Tay was holding and sat them by the stairs, and grabbed her free hand, leading her into the living room. My mom was the first to get up and hug me, and everyone else followed suit. I could see Taylor getting more and more nervous out of the corner of my eye, and I held my hand out.

Wordlessly, she laced her fingers through mine and I pulled her to me.

"Guys, this is Taylor." I said. "She's my soulmate." I smiled, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, making her blush.

My news was met with silence and gaping mouths, and I knew that this would be a long few days.

Loving Her Was Red: Kaylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now