chapter 3

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Alexus P.O.V

I was laying down in bed on Netflix watching anime when I felt my phone vibrate. I picked up my phone up and smiled instantly because it was the love of my life texting me. I wonder what it's about.

(Cutie😻💕: Danny)

(😝Babe😝: Alexus)

1 message from Cutie😻💕

Cutie😻💕: babe do you wanna go on a little vacation ?

😝Babe😝: hmm let me check my calendar

Cutie😻💕: c'mon babe seriously if you say no I will come to your house, pack you some clothes, throw you over my shoulder, put you in the car, and drive off😂.

😝Babe😝: 😂😂 wow that's allot of work babe lol. I don't know I'll have to ask my mother.

Cutie😻💕: hopefully she says yes...

😝Babe😝: fingers crossed, I'll brb

I got my lazy self up to go ask my mom if I could go with my boyfriend on a trip.

"Mom!?",  I screamed. "Daughter!?",mom screamed back

"Can I go on a trip with Danny!?', I asked. I think she's going to say yes considering the fact that we are on a three week break from school.

"How long hun?", mom asked. " One week?" I said confidently. She looked at me for a couple of seconds and finally answers "yes you can go, just take your house key hun." I hugged my mom and told her thanks before I went to pack my bag for "the trip".

I don't even know where we are going but I kinda looked forward to getting out of the house and mom could tell by the huge grin on my face. I forgot to tell Danny that my mom said yes so I called him to tell him.

Danny's P.O.V

I sat down on my bed with my back pack on hoping that her mom would say yes to Alexus. I was just about to go put some music on until my phone started ringing.

A: "hey babe"

D: "hello beautiful"

A: "so I talked to my mom and I have good and bad news"

D: "oh no how about the bad news first"

A: " well I'm super hungry so when I see you I expect some food . the good news is ... Mom said I can go!!"

I was so happy that her mom said yes I found my self jumping around happy and laughing.

D: "yessss! That's great I'll be there in 10"

A: "okay see you in a few ."

I got in my car and drove to alexus house. Before I got out I got my Nirvana, Red hot chili peppers, guns n roses, and her other favorite songs out and put them out on her seat so she could see them. I walked up to her door and rung the door bell. 

"Alexus!!" I hear her mom yell on the other side of the door.

"I got it!" Alexus yelled back.

She opened the door and boy was she gorgeous I stared at her because I just had to while I could. Things like this don't last forever you know. I went to her mom to hug her and give her a cheek kiss to thank her for letting alexus go.

I went up to Alexus's room and grabbed her bags while she straightened up her room before we left.

"Babe" I said "yes" she looked back smiling. "You have an option of music to play in the car." I told her."alright then what are we waiting for?" She said smiling cheekily.

We hugged her mom again and went to the car. I told her I wanted to take I picture of her before we left (picture above). After the picture, Alexus opened the door and saw all her favorite music and gasped from excitement. She looked at me and smiled . Oh man her smile. It drives me crazy that I get to see that smile everyday. I'm truly greatful.

I backed out of the driveway and looked at her again before driving. " You are my sunshine". Her checks turned a light shade of red. I looked to the rode and off we went.

Hello peeps thanks for reading my story so far 😁 I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far lol. Please make sure to follow for more stories coming soon and vote for my (^.^)
Pleas and thanks. Also don't forget to send me suggestions. I'm thinking if alexus should make a new best friend and I need a name to use so don't forget to send me suggestions.
Peace out lads✌✌

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