Such a Beauty

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Alexus P.O.V

I sat there by the love of my life thinking what I would ever do with out him. I told him that if we ever went somewhere to stay a few nights I would want it to be in the country side. It would be the perfect getaway.

We were listening to my favorite song on the Red hot chili peppers CD called"Dark Necessities" so I started singing along.

While I was singing my heart out
I looked over to see him recording me so I turned sound because I don't like people recording or taking pictures of me.

Danny's P.O.V

Alexus was singing her heart out and boy does she have a beautiful voice so I recorded. While I took the video she caught me and turned away from me.

I hate it when she does this. I don't understand why she doesn't feel beautiful. This makes me mad at anyone who has ever said she wasn't beautiful.

"Alexus  what's wrong?" I said worried "nothing babe just tired hah" she said lazily.

I knew she was lying but I decided to let it slide for now. Maybe I'll bring it up later.

Alexus P.O.V

I know that he knows I'm lying but I don't like to talk about my feelings. Well its not that I don't like it, I just don't know how to explain how I feel. Its like I'm oblivious but I'm not.  it's weird.

"Babe" alexus said nervously "yes princess?" Danny said making me blush.

"I want to talk to you when we get to where we are going okay?" I said awkwardly. "Okay" he says turning around.

We arrived and as soon as we got in the place I went straight to the bed to chill with Danny. But  he didn't come so I went down stairs and saw him talking to somebody.

HELLO LADS I need some name suggestions for up coming characters in the book I'm thinking of adding two people in the story so don't forget to read my book and send me some names 😁😁 also don't forget to vote

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