Chapter 4

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Alexus POV

I've decided that I need to leave things have gotten worse than before. But I don't want to be a quiter.

"Maybe you should talk to someone Alexus." Danny said.

"I refuse because people are so quick to assume things about my situation and you know its true, and people always make me feel pressured to day I'm okay in the end when I'm not." I said

"Okay okay I'm sorry I'm just trying to help you."Danny said.

"I know that and I'm sorry I really am."  "Oh and don't you have track practice tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah but I'll st-" " no no its okay I'll be fine." I interrupted.

Man he's so caring and honestly I don't think I deserve it ha isn't it crazy though? I thought to myself.

"Isn't what crazy?" Danny asked laughing.

"Oh what? Nothing just thinking out loud I guess haha."

Man how long has it been since I've gone somewhere? A few months maybe besides school, but that doesn't count.

Since no one cares that I exist anymore maybe I'll miss a couple of weeks from school...

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