- His Brother Has Feelings For You -

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Stefan: After Stefan's near death experience, you were even closer than before.

You were at his 90% of the time, and Damon was nothing but nice to you when you were there.

"Hey, gorgeous." Damon winks as he passes your bedroom door.

You jump, not realising the door was wide open and you were in a towel- just a towel.

"That's my line." Stefan grins as he waltzes past Damon in the doorway, and heads towards you.

He picks you up from your waist and spins you around before placing you back on the ground, he then plants a sweet kiss on your lips before whispering, "Gorgeous."

You glance behind your boyfriend to notice Damon scowling, his eyes burning into Stefan, almost as if he were jealous.

His deep blue eyes meet yours before the raven haired vampire storms off.


It was early evening, and Stefan was hunting in the woods. You had nothing to do so you decided to head into the woods also, it would be a peaceful walk and no doubt you'd end up meeting up with Stef.

it's a win-win.

The leaves crunch noisily as you stomp through the foliage, the cold air nipping at your face and blowing wisps of hair into your mouth as you breathe heavily.

Your phone vibrates from your grey fluffy coat, you pull it out and glance at the caller ID.

"Damon?" You answer.

"Y/N." The Salvatore sighs through the phone with relief.

"Everything okay?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Yeh- well, I was worried, I thought you had a death wish." The tone of the vampire immediately lifts and becomes playful.

"What'd you mean?" You chuckle.

"Well taking a stroll through the woods in a town full of the supernatural, especially alone.." Damon trails off.

You turn back on your heal, scouring the area, "Where are you?" You narrow your eyes.

"Right-" There was a pause whilst a gust of wind threw you off balance...

"Here." He finished, his hands gripped on your waist, holding you up and preventing you from falling to the damp ground.

You release the shaky breath you were holding.

"How'd you know I was here." You whisper unintentionally.

You pull yourself away from Damon and stand a few inches away.

"Wherever Steffie goes.. you follow." He rolls his eyes and shuffles closer.

"Damon-" You gasp.

"I need to tell you something Y/N." There was a look of desperation on his chiselled face.

"Whatever it is-" You were cut off again.

"I love you." Damon inched closer by the second.

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