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In the Telmarine castle screams erupted into the night

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In the Telmarine castle screams erupted into the night. The whole kingdom knew what was going on.
The Queen was having her child.

General Glozelle walked out of the hallway to where Miraz was looking out of the window.

"Lord Miraz, you have a son."

The King smirked,
"The heavens have blessed us. You know your orders, General Glozelle."

"Yes, my lord." The General said before turning and walking off.

In the darkness a cloaked figure snuck into the Prince's room. He pulled away the curtains that were draped around the bed, and put his hand over the young prince's mouth. The young man's eyes shot open and he began to struggle against the hold. The moment he realized who it was he relaxed. The professor sighed before he slowly pulled his hand away from his mouth.

Prince Caspian rubbed at his eyes tiredly and tried not to yawn,
"Five more minutes."

"You won't be watching the stars tonight my prince. Come, we must hurry." The Professor said as he grabbed Caspian's hand and pulled him up.

Caspian opened his mouth to question him but was promptly cut off as he was dragged into his wardrobe. His face was filled with confusion as he saw the professor motioning for him to move faster,
"Professor, what is going on?"

The older man sighed as he locked the wardrobe doors,
"Your aunt has given birth, to a son."

Caspian's eyes widened at his words, he had to move quickly or he would die. He heard a creak from his room, his brows furrowed as he looked through the small crack between the doors. His bedroom door opened and soldiers quietly creeped into the room. Glozelle and his men surround Caspian's bed, and began firing arrows relentlessly. Caspians heart pounded as he turned and followed the professor down the winding staircase. Caspian stopped, his mind racing with horrible thoughts, before he grabbed the professor's shoulder and hurriedly whispering,
"Where's Katherine?"

The professor continued to hobble down the stairs,
"She's already at the stables, but we must hurry my prince."

The two made it through the secret passageways before finally making it to the stables. A beautiful girl a few years younger than Caspian stood next to a black horse, carefully stroking his mane. Her long brunette hair flowed down her back, she was small- but certainly not weak. She turned at the sound of footsteps and Caspian was filled with relief. He hurried towards her before pulling his younger sister into his arms and holding her tightly. They pulled away from one another, Katherine passed him his sword as she secured her own on her hip. Caspian stepped away from her and climbed on the horse. Katherine hugged the older man she loved dearly, he had raised them ever since their father passed. She smiled sadly before Caspian helped her up and onto the horse.

"You must make for the woods."

"The woods?" Caspian asked in surprise.

"The soldiers won't follow you there." He said before carefully handing a wrapped up object to Katherine.

She carefully took it into her hands before putting it in her satchel.
"It took me many years to find that. You mustn't use it unless you find yourself in grave need." The professor said as the two looked down at him in confusion.

Katherine sighed, filled with sadness and fear,
"Will we ever see you again?"

He sighed as he opened up the gates for them to leave,
"I hope so. There is so much I meant to tell you both. Everything you know is about to change."

They all looked over as they heard rustling coming from a few feet away. Katherine held onto her brother tighter as the professor hissed,
"Now go!"

Caspian kicked the horse and they took off towards the gates. They rode through the main streets and to the gates as they heard fireworks going off. Katherine looked over her shoulder, taking one last look at the place she'd once called home. The neared the gates and from a distance they heard the town crier shout,
"Prunaprismia has blessed Lord Miraz with a son!"

Katherine frowned and she let out a sigh as they rode through the gates and towards the forest. They rode for a minute or two in silence until she heard the rumbling of hooves. She looked back only to see soldiers chasing them not to far away,
"Caspian! They've found us!"

Caspian looked back briefly to see that it was indeed true. He groaned as he turned and they went barreling into the dark woods, hoping that what behind them was worse than what was ahead.

They crossed through a creek, maneuvering between the trees as arrows went flying past them. He looked back once more to see that they were gone for now and when he looked ahead he hit a branch and was knocked from the horse. Katherine fell off the side with a grunt. She let out a groan of pain as she looked up to see that Caspian's horse was now gone. Caspian pushed himself up, frantically looking around for his sister.  The two were interrupted though, both looking over to see a door in a tree had opened up only to reveal two dwarves.

"They have seen us!" Nikabrik shouted as he drew his sword and ran towards Caspian.

Katherine's eyes widened and she reached to her hip to grab her sword only to find that her satchel was missing. Unfortunately, Caspian, Katherine and Nikabrik all noticed that the satchel was sitting near the young prince at the same time. Their heads all turned at the sound of the soldiers approaching. Trumpkin ran towards the soldiers with his sword drawn,
"Take care of them!"

Caspian took Nikabrik's moment of distraction as his chance as he reached forward and snatched up the horn. Katherine's eyes widened as she crawled towards her brother and Nikabrik yelled,

Katherine recognized the object as soon as Caspian put it to his lips and blew the horn.
It was Queen Susan the Gentle's horn.

Nikabrik hit Caspian over the head before taking his weapon and knocking Katherine out as well. She collapsed to the ground as he began to haul Caspian into his hut. He was about to go back out to grab the girl only to shut the door quickly. General Glozelle  picked Katherine up into his arms, making sure to have soldiers grab their belongings, before he carried her over to their horses. He set her down in the carriage next to Trumpkin before quickly tying her hands and feet before shutting the door and locking it behind him.

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