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Katherine groaned and her hand went to her head and all she could feel was a mind splitting headache

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Katherine groaned and her hand went to her head and all she could feel was a mind splitting headache. She slowly sat up and looked around in confusion as she saw the metal bars surrounding her, the dungeon. Her hands and feet were bound with rope. Her eyes flashed around the room as her heart pounded against her chest, where was Caspian?

"Your brother is safe."

Her emerald eyes landed on one of the dwarves they'd come across in the woods. Just as she opened her mouth to ask another question he spoke up,
"My friend pulled your brother to safety before he could get to you."

At least her brother was alright. She panicked for a moment before she touched on top of her head to see that her tiara wasn't there. She looked around the room to see her satchel sitting there with her sword and tiara sitting on top of it.
She sighed in frustration but smiled softly and ran a hand through her hair,
"I'm Katherine."

He hesitated for a minute,
"I'm Trumpkin."

She nodded before clearing her throat,
"You wouldn't happen to have any clue as to what's going on?"

"They took me in front of the council and Miraz announced that Prince Caspian had been kidnapped by Narnians."

Katherine was filled with anger as she hissed,
"How dare he!"

The two turned as they heard the dungeon door open. Two of Miraz's soldiers walked into the dungeon and unlocked their cells. One walked into Katherine's cell and pulled her to her feet before he threw her over his shoulder. She screamed as she struggled against his grip,
"Let go of me!"

The guard tightened his grip on her legs as he began to walk out of the dungeon,
"Scream all you want princess, no one can hear you scream from here."

The two soldiers walked down the stairs of the castle as they carried the two.
"I swear that when my brother and I take back our kingdom we will make you pay for your treason." She hissed as she shut her eyes, beginning to get motion sick from being carried over his shoulder.

"We'd love you see you try after you're executed."

She began to squirm in his arms as she was carried out of the castle and carried towards a boat. The two soldiers set them down in the boat. They set Trumpkin on the floor of the boat behind her as she was sat in the middle seat on the boat. They threw her satchel carelessly in front of her before the one who'd carried her tied a cloth around her mouth. She sighed as she straightened her posture and held her head high, if she was going to die she was going to be as poised as possible. They pushed off the bank and began rowing down the river.

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