On the Second Day of Christmas...

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Hello! Aiya! Suilad le! I give you... the Second Day of Christmas!

Sorry for the late post, my Internet failed for a bit... D:

Note: The characters in this sometimes talk to you, and sometimes don't, so don't freak out or anything... No, Legolas, I do NOT need a straitjacket!



He's so dead... I fumed quietly while covering up the idiotic shirt. I mean, the slogan was bad enough, but really? Did he really have to put his face on there? I mean, not that I minded looking at it... Augh! Shut up, stupid brain! I mentally slapped myself. Now, don't give me that look...

"Anodien!" I caught a flash of raven-black hair as a loud voice boomed in the hallways, and immediately pegged the voice as my father. Oh, no, he's here?!? Since when?!?

I waved nervously in his general direction and tried to evade him by blending into the other people in the crowd, hoping that the fawning courtiers would hold him back. Unfortunately, he managed to catch my arm.

"Ah, my dear Apple!*"

"Oh, uh... father, hi." Looking around desperately for a distraction, I saw a balcony overlooking the city and thought of it as the perfect opportunity. "I- ah, was just heading out for a walk!" I fanned myself a bit. "A little stuffy in here, isn't it?"

"Well, what a coincidence, my dear daughter! I was just going out to admire the scenery!" Go figure. Hold me back before I wring a certain blonde-haired Elf's neck, okay?... Actually, don't, so far I don't see a downside.

"Oh... Waugh!" He put his arm around me and headed for the snowy exit.


"Isn't the view marvelous?" My father gestured to Rivendell, which is majorly obscured by a smooth white blanket of snow.

"Yeah, it's neat..." I tried to escape, but he had no intention of letting me go. I realized that direct escape was impossible, so I attempted to get out of his grip a little bit at a time. "So, um, what brings you to Rivendell?" I asked politely, making idle chitchat while searching for a loophole.

"I got an invitation to attend the Christmas celebration personally!" He chuckled. "He was such a nice lad."

"Beg your pardon, but... who?"

"Oh, that blonde-haired fellow, what was his name..."

"Celeborn?" I suggested hopefully.

"No..." He snaps his fingers. "Leggyliss!" My heart sunk.

"You mean Legolas?"

"That's him." We continued walking in silence, just enjoying the splendor of the winter.

Swirling snowflakes tickled my cheek merrily and danced away. The sunlight reflected the icy water in the lake while snowsprites flew around with their shimmering iridescent wings, zipping through the freezing air. The scent of freshly baked gingerbread cookies reached my nose, and one might find it impossible to not notice the trilling bells jingling around the beautiful city.

"So, is there any lad here that's caught your eye, my Apple?" I jumped a little at the sudden question and could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"No!" I spoke quickly- too quickly. My father caught the sharp tone of my voice and grinned broadly.

"Ah, I knew it!" He slapped me on the shoulder and laughed heartily, the joyful sound reverberating through the snowy city. "Who's the lucky boy?"


"Ah, I know you better than you think, Anodien. Don't forget, I raised you."

"Excuse me, but you didn't raise me worth Orc spit! You preferred to stay away from me!" My father ignored the dark edge in my remark and pointed to an Elf across the street.

"Is it him?" I looked over and he's pointing at... a, nín Eru... of all people, he's pointing at Elrond. My beloved reader... KILL ME NOW! Take my bow and shoot me right here!

"No... That's Elrond, you idiot..."

"Oh, so you admit that there is someone?" My father replied snidely, running a hand through his messy black hair, now speckled with snowflakes.

"No! Nobody, nobody, nobody! I don't give a Dwarf's axe about anybody here!" It wasn't exactly a lie...

"Ah, but what if they're not here at the moment?" Ouch. He caught that. Okay, start writing my obit...

"Just leave me alone!" I pushed away from my father and forget to cover up...






A/N: !!! I lost half of my entire chapter! NOOO! So I tried to rewrite it, but I don't know...

*me* anyways, how do you think my dad reacted to the stupid shirt that I know we all want? O-o

*Legolas whispers to himself in some bushes* I knew it!

*me* I heard that, you know...

*Legolas*... should I run now?

*me* If you value your life and freedom, then that would be ideal, yes...

AHEM... note how it was said that nobody THERE... hmm, who left? Tricky tricky...

I'll post again tomorrow!

*go to Son of Sauron for the reference on "apple".

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