On the Ninth Day of Christmas...

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O.o Urvelniel had almost the same dream as I did the night before last... It was weird... But my other friend didn't dream at all, so it wasn't totally Leggy-ception... *sighs*



He loved me. Was I dreaming? I must be dreaming, or dead. But here I was, with the Elf I loved most, in secret, defending me against the most powerful Fae king.

I still didn't understand what was happening. None of what he was saying was true!

My father snarled and brought forth flames in his open palms and rushed me.

"I love you." Legolas whispered and jumped in front of me to bear the brunt of the fire.

"No!" I shrieked, terrified, not for myself, but for my Legolas.

I mustered every bit of my magic and transported us to the first place I could think of- Weathertop.

I'd never moved that far away before with magic, and certainly not with two people, but I had to protect him as he had me.

Pain coursed through my body as my energy was spent and I fell to the hard, stony ground.

"Legolas..." I slurred, crawling over to his dark, unmoving figure. "Legolas!" I cried, willing him to wake.

When he did not stir, I pressed my lips to his on that snowy night.


I watched the Fae king swing at my son with fire in his hands.

"No!" Anodien shrieked, huddling close to Legolas. They disappeared in a cloud of gray smoke, highlighting the tongues of flame in Atar's hands.

"Graah!" He barked, clawing out for my son. Rushing forward, I balled my fist and swung it into Atar's chest, the force of the blow cracking a few ribs.

"I don't care if you want to destroy your daughter, but I won't tolerate a direct assault on Legolas! This is fair cause for war- and I can assure you that I will prevail!"

There were very few Fae in existence, and many of those who lived through childbirth lost their magic, not to mention how difficult it is for a full Fae child to be conceived.

"I wasn't aiming for him, Thranduil!" He snapped, regaining his composure. "Your boy jumped in front of Anodien, and I can't control anybody's actions!"

"But you can control your own, Atar." I spat his name like it was poison. "Where did you send them?"

"I didn't send them anywhere, this was Anodien's doing!" Atar protested, staring at his hands.

"You just want to endanger my son and his throne, don't you?" I accused rashly.

"If that was so, wouldn't I just kill your boy on the spot? And for that, why would I lead Anodien into the thick of things?"

"From what I understand, you and your daughter are not particularly close." I observed cruelly.

"That's the least of our problems now. I'll try to scry them." He walked over to the lake and kicked in a hole, revealing the reflective surface of the water.

"Aduümos, hiösa búna. Dréxoso mus fre dunmé!" He muttered to the lake in Faespeak. The water shimmered, then fogged over.

"She's put a protective spell over herself! I can't get through!"

"Then what can you do?" I asked desperately.

"Nothing. When Anodien wants to be found, only then shall she be. Until then, we can only wait."

Twelve Days of Christmas... Son of Sauron style...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora