On the Third Day of Christmas...

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Aww... Oh, no...I whisked my cloak around the sweater as fast as I could, and managed to have it avoid detection.

Well... almost.

"Anodien! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Legolas called out cheerfully, running to my side. Oh, the stars hate me... Why is everything against my favor today? My father shot me a pointed look and mouthed, 'I knew it' while the stupid blonde-haired Elf wrapped me in a warm embrace.

"Why aren't you wearing my shirt, Anodien?" He feigned a hurtful face.

"I am wearing the stupid thing..." I muttered irritably. "And why are you here so early? I thought your pointy-eared princely hide was back in Mirkwood to bring Thranduil!"

"That's just the thing. I was about to go on my way when I received a letter from him, saying that he was already halfway here. The note said that he'd decided to make a surprise appearance to the ceremony!" He paused. "You might want to close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I noticed and snapped my mouth shut.

"What shirt, my Apple? I'm quite curious." My father added slyly as I glared at him.

"Well, Anodien, why don't you show him?" Legolas suggested, releasing me. I stumbled and shivered from the sudden movement and loss of warmth. He laughed when I ripped off his cloak and wrap it around my own freezing body.

"Shut up, you idiot, I'm cold." I muttered darkly, pulling it closer.

"Oh, come on, Anodien... you look adorable in that." Legolas remarked, taking back the cape. "And if you're cold, there's plenty of room right here." Legolas spread his arms and smirked.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I think it'll be warmer inside." I brushed past him and made my way over to the doors. Stupid Elf...


I stared at Anodien stalking away and chuckle to myself.

"So, it's you and her now, eh?" Anodien's father asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"No, things aren't like that between us. It's a little joke going on." I answered somewhat truthfully.

"Could've fooled me, Leggyliss. My daughter obviously cares a great deal about you."

"We're only friends, Atar." I protested, but a small voice in the back of my head chortles. Really? Shut up, reader! Not you too! The black-haired Fae laughed merrily.

"If I really believed that, then I'd be a dragon."

"Then you'd better make sure you're not growing any wings, Atar." I retorted and walked towards the doorways. I could see why she was bitter towards her father, he could be a real pain in the a-

"Legolas!" Hearing someone call my name, I turned my head. "Oh, Prince Greenleaf! What an honor!" Looking over, I saw a young lady rushing towards me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where others are dancing. I was suddenly reminded of my duties. Everyone is expected to dance- especially the prince. I supposed that the young lady thinks that this is the prime opportunity to catch my eye.

"Remember me, your Majesty?" She cooed and fluttered her eyelashes, then shook her head. "Oh, what am I saying, of course you do. Nobody can forget a face like mine!" The (unfamiliar) girl chattered on, revealing exceptionally large yellowing teeth. That's hard to argue with, I thought. It's nearly impossible to forget a face as unappealing as yours.

I effectively tuned out most of what the golden-haired lady was saying while we danced- rather unsteadily. She wasn't exactly a smooth dancer. In fact, my feet were aching from all the times she'd stepped on my toes. This girl was no graceful reindeer, a better comparison would be a two left-footed directionally challenged penguin.

"... and my mother, Dame Olga, is one of the finest ladies from where I come from. A recent widow, too. Her husband died the past month. Might I add that I'm quite... available as well?" She winked suggestively. I nearly snorted at her implications. As if!

"Legolas!" I heard a familiar voice and welcome the interruption between the girl's story about her sister, Olive.

"I believe this is my dance? Excuse us." Anodien nodded coldly to my tedious dance companion and pulled me away. The golden-haired lady stared at Anodien in shock and gave her an irritated glare.

"You're welcome, idiot." The dark-haired she-Elf growled after leading me away from the other girl.

"Heh, thanks, I owe you one."

"Yeah, you do."

"Aww, how adorable, my son's dancing with a beautiful lady! Am I finally meeting the lucky girl of your dreams?" My blood turns to ice as I turn around and see my father in a ridiculous suit. Surprise appearance, indeed.

"I don't know about dreams, but I'm pretty sure I'm in a nightmare." Anodien noted, staring in wonder at his garish outfit. Why the Helm's Deep was my own father wearing a Santa Claus outfit?


A/N: HAHAHA! Just imagine Thranduil in a Santa Claus suit! Bonus points to whoever recognizes the girl!!! Let me know in the reviews and I'll give you a shout out if you say the girl's name, the book she's from, and the author. I enjoyed writing this chapter, actually. Made myself laugh on more than one occasion! My mom actually came in at one point to ask if I was choking...

By the way, I'm posting again next Friday on my normal SoS story, I'm restarting the schedule!


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