On the Fifth Day of Christmas...

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On the Fifth Day of Christmas, Anodien gave to thee...

A really weird old man!

And if you're in a different time zone, well that sucks, because it's 4:28 where I am...


ATARPOV (Anodien's father)

I'd found it blatantly obvious before, and yet everyone seemed surprised now. This only confirmed it, but however much they might deny it, they cared about each other very much.

But still, that doll thing scared me...

I glanced at my daughter, all of the blood in her body gathering on her face. The lad- Legolas- was just as flushed.

"Uh..." He stuttered, pulling at his reindeer outfit reluctantly. There were titters around the room, and when Elrond clapped his hands, all noise ceased.

"Enough merriment for now. Legolas, go clean up and change into proper attire. And Anodien... nice shirt." All attention then shifted to her sweater that she'd been so frantic to hide.

It was the young blonde Elf's face, and under it read I <3 LEGOLAS in broad letters.

Full-blown laughter echoed around the walls as my daughter picked up the torn cloak by her side and covered her front.

"Anodien, you may also change if you wish." In all my life, I don't think I've ever seen anyone move that fast. Moving by Thranduil, I leaned and whispered into his ear.

"Pay up..." The King of Mirkwood growled and pressed a stack of coins into my hands.


Aw, Shire...

"Enough merriment for now. Legolas, go clean up and change into proper attire. And Anodien... nice shirt." I blushed furiously as I was the center of attention. And I had a feeling that most of the men weren't staring at my shirt alone... I picked up my cloak and covered the sweater up, feeling very overexposed.

"Anodien, you may also change if you wish." I zipped out of the room faster than you could blink. Hearing footsteps, I ran a little faster. The feet caught up to me and slammed my body to a wall.

An older Man, say, in his late forties was looking me over, pressing me down.

"Let me go!" I hissed, trying to get free.

"No, I don't think you want to leave..." The Man traced a grubby finger down my neck and onto the cloak, sliding it off. "Why don't we go somewhere we won't be interrupted, hmm?" He kept his eyes on the ripped shirt, exposing more than a little skin.

"In your nightmares!" I struggled to get away, but the Man had me in such an uncomfortable position against the wall. He smashed his face against mine, and I twisted away.

"Try that again, I dare you, bastard!" A voice behind him said dangerously. Luckily, I knew this one well. And he was no longer wearing that ridiculous reindeer outfit. Now Legolas was in a silver tunic with another silver circlet upon his brow.

"Well, well, look who came to save his girlfriend, the Elf-boy! You're gonna have to share!" The Man grabbed my shoulder and held a grungy hand over my mouth.

"Release her now." Fire gleamed in Legolas' eyes as the Man held my chin and studied my face.

"I don't think so... she likes me!" Legolas didn't waste a second in kicking the drunk man's chest and cracking his ribs. I slipped out and stood back, watching Legolas go after him.

"Are you really so vain as to think I'll believe that, Rhyson?" Legolas asked as he hunched over the Man and kicked him in the back of the neck. Rhyson whimpered and tried crawling away from the angry Elf, to no use. Legolas grabbed the front of Rhyson's shirt and with clenched teeth, rumbled a menacing warning to him.

"If you so much as look at her ever again, I will rip your teeth out one by one and shove them into your spine. Do I make myself clear?" When the Man didn't answer, Legolas dropped him down again, placing a sturdy boot on his neck. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" Legolas repeated. Rhyson nodded hastily, wriggling under his hold.

Legolas lifted his boot to let the Man go and walked over to me, blood on his tunic.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking only at my face. Even so, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Depends on your definition of 'alright'." I laughed nervously. Legolas shook his head.

"I will never let anyone touch you again." He promised. And I believed him.

"Thank you." I turned my head to the side a little. "And for the record, I had everything under control." He smiled.

"Of course you did." I embraced Legolas willingly for the first time.

"Um, we should probably both change our clothes." Legolas mentioned as he noticed the bloodstains on his and the rips on mine when I pulled away.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I blushed and walked away to my room with Legolas trailing. I didn't mind, really, not anymore.

"Think, one of the last times we were here, you wanted to wring my neck." I thought back.

"Yeah, in one of these same rooms, too. I was bathing, and you-"

"Yes, yes, we all know what happened." He reddened as I stepped into the doorway.

"Okay, I'll be fine here, you go get yourself some clothed." I ordered.

"There should be proper clothes for both of us in the drawers." Legolas informed me, brushing past. "Did you notice everyone looking at you today?" He asked, rummaging through the closet.

"How could I not?"

"No, I mean... gah! Forget it." He tossed a breezy silver dress towards me, and we both knew I understood very well.

"And what about you?" I inquired, moving behind the changing screen.

"What?" He mumbled, distracted.

"Come on, every single girl was clamoring for your attention!" I pointed out. Not that I blamed... kill me now. Again.

"Oh, must've missed that." Legolas joked. After I'd changed, I felt vulnerable in the white dress.

"This feels wrong..." I muttered as I stepped out from the screen. I looked ahead and saw Legolas already dressed in another silver tunic and lying down on the bed.

"That's because it's backwards, Anodien..." He sighed.

"Hey, I don't do these formal matters!" I protested indignantly. After I'd turned it the right way, he followed me back into the main halls.

"I honestly didn't think that shirt looked that bad..." He pouted.

"Oh, because it was your face?"

A, nín Eru...

"Aww, I knew you cared..." Legolas laughed and put a hand on my shoulder. "But who can deny this?" The blonde-haired Elf flipped his hair dramatically.

"I can!" Tapping his nose, it glowed once again.

"Tag! You're it!"


A/N: Yeah, fluffy fluff fluff... I had to put something in here. Sunlightz sent me a message... well, here you go! They're basically both kids inside. Anodien's accepted Legolas...


I passed 200 votes! This means a lot to me... Thank you for voting, and thank you Urvelniel for the Legolas trophy! Everybody join her happy hobbit dance! I'll play They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

Galu! Annad!

Twelve Days of Christmas... Son of Sauron style...Where stories live. Discover now