Chapter 10

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1 week later:

Non POV:

SCP-3005 received it's new shock collar and now MTFs have been ordered to guard it's cell more heavily in case of SCP-3005 deciding to break out once again, along with 2 MTFs being equipped with a device that controls the shock collar.
For the past 2 days SCP-3005 has been observed as being oddly quiet since it breached it's cell, MTFs who watch the surveillance report ever once in a while that SCP-3005 seems to be acting a bit paranoid and flinches at every small sound it may hear. Doctors who are part of performing test and observing SCP-3005 are unsure if it's because of something the happened between SCP-049 or if it's something else, they have all agreed that until SCP -3005's condition has improved that no more test will be preformed.

SCP-3005's POV:

It's been a week now since after the incident of me breaking out of my cell to try and get away from Jewel, I hate her so much but no matter how much I do deep down I'm absolutely terrified by that monster. It's frightens me that I now know that she's in the facility watching me and waiting so she can make her next move to torture me in any way she can, I very much dislike the feeling of fear cause it's just reminds me that I don't deserve to be known as a strong warrior for my people how are now all gone. Every moment longer I sit in this cell my fear of her coming for me builds up my fear even more and the longer I sit I just want to cry out but I know that I can't, the doctors here who just see me as a monstrous objects would most likely drag me out for test or something like that, so I just sit and only show my high paranoia so they stay away from me and so I don't accidentally make irrational decisions.

(I know this was short and I'm also sorry that this took so long, but now I'm back on track a bit. Hope yall are enjoying my story so far.)

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