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Her skin was still warm where he had touched her arm, just a simple little accidental thing as he had tried to grab something beside her.
Rosie had frozen for only a moment, disguising it easily and quickly returning to her work so he wouldn't notice.
She felt petty, stupid, because it was just a pointless little touch, such a cliche thing to be so hopelessly enamored by him, because it was honestly useless and she should be smarter than to fall for a guy who hardly speaks to her.
Sighing, Rosie twirled her pencil between her fingers, head resting on her hand. Shivers danced across her skin from the lack of heat in the room, and she cursed herself for forgetting a jacket again.
Rosie scoffingly (and admittedly somewhat enviously) watched two of her classmates take off their jackets to give it to the same girl, semi-jokingly on both sides. Rosie sunk down in her seat, wrapping her arms around herself as she waited for the bell to ring.
At least at home she had jackets and blankets, and most importantly, no stupid boys for her to be distracted by.

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