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Rosie felt a pleasant warmth in her as she traded conversation with Josh, proud of herself for having initiated their chat for once.
She put on an air of ease, and despite her initial inner panicking, quickly found herself actually relaxed.
"So are you passing yet?" She asked, not worried about offending Josh. They had often talked about the state of his grades when they had sat together.
Josh beamed, nodding his head as his eyes lit up.
"Yep! I've got an eighty!"
Rosie's heart soared with genuine joyfulness. Regardless of whether or not she liked Josh, she was glad he was doing better in school.
"You owe me a box of a Skittles now," he continued, and Rosie laughed.
So he does remember.
"Yeah, I'll bring you some as soon as I get the chance. I'll need to get a box first."
Rosie made a mental note to fill out a book form for English. Her teacher would give her a free box of candy if she did so, and Rosie knew that he always had at least one thing of Skittles.
So what if she couldn't actually buy any candy, Rosie could read pretty well.
She could definitely finish a novel before class tomorrow.

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