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Rosie cocked her head, pursing her lips slightly.
He looked sad today. She wondered why, and once she got the chance, she asked him.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good." He looked a bit confused, but genuine, and though the slight pang of worry was still there, Rosie let it go, not wanting to push it.
She grabbed her paper, setting her backpack on the table so she could shove it into the semi-organized slew of binders and folders and notes.
Josh turned her phone over, pressing the button to light up the screen, and he stared at the lock screen for a moment as Rosie watched him out of the corner of her eye, still putting the worksheet away.
"Your phone is so big," he commented, and Rosie laughed lightly, zipping up her bag.
"Yeah, it's kind of overkill," she replied, thinking of all the comments she always received on the general largeness of her phone.
The corner of his lips turned up, before someone said his name and he turned away, walking out the door of the classroom.
Plugging in her earbuds, Rosie didn't see the glance he sent to her retreating form as she walked in the opposite direction.

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