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Dark circles and a baggy sweatshirt are what Rosie wore as she walked into class, having stayed up until past midnight to finish the book and fill out the form for English.
She was proud of herself though, for she had managed to snatch the last box of Skittles in the bin.
Hopefully Josh wouldn't mind the fact that they were the sour type.
She watched the door, glancing up from her phone every time someone walked in the door. Rosie hurriedly dropped her phone and ripped the box of Skittles out from the depths of her bag when Josh finally slipped in, grabbing a warmup off the table at the front.
Rosie (calmly as possibly) made her way over to Josh, thrusting the neon green box out in front of her.
"Here. They're sour, but they were all out of the, uh, normal kind," she explained, as Josh glanced up, smiling.
"Oh, shit, thanks Rosie! These are perfect."
He took the box, and proceeded to try and open it, but failing somewhat miserably.
"Do you want me to try?" Rosie giggled, wondering how a cardboard box was so easily defeating him.
"Uhh, yeah, thanks," he replied bashfully.
Gently prying the cardboard apart with her short fingernails, she handed the box back, smiling slightly as he tore into them, the tart, sugary, sticky crystal crust sticking to his skin before falling to the floor.
I guess sour Skittles weren't bad at all.

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