Chapter 1

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"Lilly, will you PLEASE keep that racket down?" my older sister groaned. "Seriously, how can you enjoy that crap?"

"It's not crap, its my favorite show," I stated bluntly, rolling my eyes. "I didn't call Naruto 'crap' when you were addicted to it, so don't call Transformers Animated crap."

"Sucks to suck," she laughed as she typed on her laptop, probably talking to her best friend, Peter, in Wisconsin. She talks to him almost every second of every day, pretty much, even if she doesn't admit it.

"Just shut up and let me watch me show," I said as I turned up the volume on the TV. The very first episodes were playing on a marathon, and I planned on watching every minute of it! In case you haven't already guessed it, yes, I'm a seventeen year-old who watches Transformers Animated. No judging needed here! Then the power was shut of.

"I hate these damn thunderstorms," my sister muttered as she unplugged her laptop. Great, now I can't finish my Transformers Animated marathon. That's great. Just great. Yay for power outage.

"Fine," I grumbled as I walked slowly into my room. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, listening to the calming fall of rain tapping on my window and the echoing sounds of thunder hitting the ground.

It may be weird to say, but I did like thunderstorms at night. It gave me something to listen to as I fell asleep, instead of having to have the radio on or having to open my window and risk bugs getting in the house. It was a natural sound that soothed my body, making me calm, sleepy...

~The Next Morning~

"Ugh, mornings suck," I said as I got up. I looked around, and gasped. I was NOT in my room at all! I was in some sort of alleyway, with skyscrapers all around me. Please note that I HATE BIG CITIES! "Where the hell am I?" Then I heard a scream from... Sari? No, it can't be! She's a fictional character! Then again, everything around me, including myself, is animated. Oooh, no. No way am I in a different dimension! I guess truth hurts sometimes. I've thought immensely about it, and I made a conclusion; I wouldn't survive in the Dora Explorer world, let alone a world where there are giant alien robots attacking things!

I ran around the city till I found Sari, along with Bulkhead and Bumblebee.

"Aww, did you lose your owner-bot?" Bulkhead asked gently. I smirked; a talking garbage truck isn't gentle, not one bit. Then Sari screamed again. Okay, that girl needs to tone it down! I covered my ears so my eardrums wouldn't get damaged that much.

"That thing must be armed with some sort of high-frequency sonic weapon!" Bumblebee exclaimed after she stopped screaming. No, 'Bee, just vocal chords!

"I think it's scared," Bulkhead whispered to Bumblebee.

"No dip, Sherlock!" I facepalmed. They turned to me, and I facepalmed again. Crap, now they see me! "Yeah, hi."

"Hi, at least SOMEONE talks on this planet!" Bumblebee said as he drove over to me. "I'm-"

"Bumblebee," I finished. "And Bulkhead."

"How did you know?" Bulkhead asked, looking bewildered.

"I'm kinda from a different dimension," I shrugged. "And where I'm from, you guys are on a TV show, so I know all about you."

"Cool!" Bumblebee said before he and Bulkhead drove after Sari. Well, he doesn't seem to care about where I'm from. That's nice.

Then Sari got grabbed by the large experiment-thingy. Oh crap, here we go. The first rising action of the episode.

"Uh, aren't you gonna help her?" I raised an eyebrow at Bumblebee as Optimus and my favoritest Autobot, Prowl, drove up to us. Yes, 'favoritest' is a word. It's even in the dictionary, right next to 'suck it'.

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