Chapter 10

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*Lilly's POV*

"Ugh, where am I?" I mumbled as I looked around. All I could see was darkness, but light at one end. Whoaaa. The light at the end of the tunnel? That means I'm dead! "At least my death was painless," I whispered as I walked towards the light. Like an old record that wouldn't stop repeating, I could hear a voice whisper to me "I love you". It sounded familiar... PROWL!

"Prowl, I'm so sorry," tears filled my eyes and started running down my cheeks. "I never got to tell him I loved him."

"This was not your time, sweetie," I heard an old women's voice tell me.


"Yes, dear, it's me," my grandma walked closer to me. "This was not your time to go, darling. God, he's not ready for you just yet. You need to go back."

"But how?" I asked. "My body isn't functional."

"Ah, but you seem to forget," she shook a finger at me. "Pure power will help."

"Pure power," I repeated. "AllSpark?"

"Exactly," she nodded. "The AllSpark has the power to make you a new body, but not an organic one. If you so choose, you will become a machine."

"I do," I nodded. "I need to tell him!"

"Go back to Earth, find a shard of the AllSpark," Grandma instructed me. "It will do what it has to."

"Thank you, Grandma," I thanked her. The last thing I remember before the light overtaking me was pure darkness.

Now, I'm back on Earth. It sent me to Japan... Really?

I'm a spirit, a wandering soul, waiting to find what I need. I know that I need only tough the shard, and I will have a new body to place my soul in. This is taking forever!

"I may be dead, but I don't have eternity!" I growled as I searched. At long last, I found the shard hiding in the bushes. "Yes!" I reached out to touch it, and light overtook me.

*Prowl's POV*

Her funeral was yesterday. She didn't know a lot of people here, but everyone that did know her came. Everyone was silent through the ceremony. Sari cried through the whole thing. Ratchet hasn't said anything to anyone since she died. Even Ultra Magnus, Jazz and Sentinal Prime came to her funeral. Sentinal was trying to hide it, but everyone could tell he was sad. Ultra Magnus was straight-faced through it all, but that's to be expected. Jazz held his head low and was so quiet, Sari asked him what was wrong.

"She was a great gal, I'm gonna miss her," he replied sadly.

My Lilly, my love, was gone.

She wouldn't leave me willingly, I kept telling myself. She was a fighter.

Recharge has been hard for me now. She died a week ago, but I can't wrap my processors around it. My training has faltered.

I gave up on meditating, so I decided to try to recharge. For the first time in a week, I was slowly drifting in and out of consciousness. I could hear Lilly's voice tell me "Prowl, I'm so sorry" over and over. What was she doing? Sari told me that organics have God, their deity. When they die, they go to Heaven to live with God for the rest of time. Same with Cybertronians, except we have Primus and we go to the Well of AllSparks. Even in death, we may never meet again.

At long last, I fell into recharge.

I woke up cycles later to someone yelling at me.

"Prowl!" Ratchet yelled. "Get your aft up, someone's here to see you!"

Who would be here to see me?

"Fine," I grumbled as I followed Ratchet to the entrance of our base. Everyone was waiting for me, smiles on their faces. "What is so important that all of you would wake me up from a much needed recharge?"

"That was rude," I heard a voice say. No, is it really?

They all split apart in two sections, and in the middle was a small, purple Cybertronian femme.

"Prowl, it's me," she told me. She had some sort of devilish, but warm nonetheless, grin on her faceplate.

"It can't be," I whispered to myself, walking up to her.

"Oh, my love, but it is," she smiled, her optics shining brightly. She embraced me tightly, and I hugged her back. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," I whispered. My love was online and well. I couldn't ask for more.

Lillian Bergo - A Transformers Animated FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now