Chapter 2

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"So, you find entertainment in watching male organics talk?" Optimus asked.

Currently, I was watching a very fabulous male YouTuber on, of course, YouTube. It's safe to say that I'm addicted to watching Tyler Oakley. No, that is not a bad thing. It's amazing.

"It's not how they talk, it's what they talk about and what they do," I explained. "Like, he is doing a competition where he has to try to eat fifty chicken nuggets in twenty minutes, but he fails." I've watched this video a million times, with his best friend Corey, but it's just so funny. And makes me hungry for chicken McNuggets from McDonalds.

"You like seeing people fail?" Bumblebee asked confusedly, tilting his helm as he gazed at the laptop screen.

"It's not watching them fail, it's their reaction of their failure," I laughed, pointing to the screen. "Like, if you lost in a race, I would laugh at your reaction, not that you lost." His reaction to a race would be very amusing. Or much more than that. Ha.

Then, a thought hit my mind. Before I could forget, I got on my cell phone and flipped over to my picture gallery. My album labeled 'TFA' was the first one in there, right next to TFP and Bayverse. I tapped on it, then instantly had to delete a picture of Sari in her teenage years. No way would I let her see that.

"So, we are all in a television show in your dimension?" Ratchet asked as I flipped through my pictures.

"Yep, but the series already had it's end," I replied absently. "Right now, we are in-between the first and second episodes, in season one." I didn't see the premiere because, hello, I had no clue at that time that there was a TV series with Transformers. My research was lacking. Whoopsie.

"How many seasons are there?" Bulkhead asked.

"Three seasons, forty-two episodes total," I said slowly. "It was first aired in 2007, and ended in 2009. I'm from 2013, and I was mesmerized by the first episode. I had no idea that I would live it!" And I had no idea that I'd remember all this crap. Holy shit. That's... Holy...

"But, the year is 2050," Sari sounded confused. "You're from a different dimension AND a different time?"

"I guess," I shrugged. "Good thing my favorite videos are still here! Anyway," I yawned. "Time for this girl to take a nap." I walked over to the corner, laid down and fell asleep for a long time.

All cozy in my little corner.

~8 am the next day (yes, she slept that long)~

"What?" I mumbled as I slowly got up. "I'm up, I'm up." I had woke up to somebody poking my back, and lemme tell ya, that doesn't end well if I don't like you.

"No one's trying to wake you up, Lilly," Sari laughed.

Lies. All of them. Lies.

"I know, I was trying to wake myself up," I said, stretching. "What's for breakfast?"

Great, now I'm lying too. This is just fan-freaking-tastic. I'm turning into a liar. Whoopie.

"I brought you a muffin," she handed me a bag. "Blueberry."

"Thanks," I said as I opened the bag and took the muffin out. It smelled so good. I took a big bite, then I saw Prowl jump into the building through a hole in the ceiling, and stomp off to his room. "Someone's in a bad mood," I giggled, knowing what he was mad about. "Why is there a huge flat-screen in here?"

"They just wanted to learn more about our culture, so they thought it would help if they could watch what we watch," Sari shrugged.

"Anywho, I'm going to go see Prowl," I said, finishing my muffin (yes, it tasted spectacular!). I walked through a few hallways to his room, where I could hear Optimus talking to him.

Lillian Bergo - A Transformers Animated FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang