Chapter 9

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Well, we still haven't told Sari. She kinda know something's up, but hasn't asked yet. Well, until a few minutes ago, when I said...

"Chemo sucks."

"WHAT?" she exclaimed.

Yeah... Didn't think that one through...

After explaining all that crap about how I'm gonna die very soon, she just got more riled up.


Duh. You would've acted this way! I didn't actually say that, but I thought it!

She calmed down after about an hour. Yeah, it took a whole hour to calm her down! She was literally shooting stuff out of anger. Someone needs to take a few chill pills! But by a few, I mean about... One thousand. Yep, one thousand. Too much? I think not!

Okay, so on a different note, I'll tell you what's happened!

I had my birthday party.

It was a surprise party!

I fell asleep during the middle of it!

I took more chemo!

Prowl kissed me again!

I'm no longer allowed to train!

I can't lift over two pounds!

I lost weight!

I'm a weakling!

Life sucks... Yup.

So, now it's around May. I'm on bed-rest. I'm practically on my deathbed. Every morning, Prowl picks me up and takes me to the main room for a few hours before going back to bed. He's such a good mech. I think I'm starting to love him!

I'm so tired, but I'm afraid that if I ever fall asleep, I'll never wake up again. Sleep is such a good thing, though...

*Prowl's POV*

"She's not waking up!" I exclaimed loudly after I tried to wake Lilly up. "Come on, wake up!" She felt cold, and she didn't even stir. NO!

"Bring her to the med bay!" Ratchet ordered over COMM. I gently placed her body in my hands and ran to the med bay. I set her cold body on the table.

"Slag," Ratchet murmured after he scanned her. "Her heart has stopped!"

"WHAT?" I exclaimed. Lilly, my Lilly, was dead! "Lilly, please!"

"Prowl, there's nothing I can do," Ratchet shook his head sadly.

"NO!" I pounded my servos on the metal table. "She can't be gone! She can't!"

"Prowl, I'm so sorry," Optimus put a hand on my right shoulder. I could feel energon tears reaching my optics.

"She's not gone," I whispered. "She's not!"

Lilly has been the most amazing person in my life. She's the only one that can make my mood take a full one-eighty. Whenever I'm around her, my spark beats faster. I've never felt this way towards another femme before. Placing my head next to her cold body, I whispered," I love you."

Lillian Bergo - A Transformers Animated FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now