Demons and memories.

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Jane's yell echoed through the forest, causing you and Jeff to freeze in place, the napkin still on his smile and him leaning into it.
"What are you doing?!" Jane yelled, stomping over to you two and yanked Jeff off you and threw him to the ground behind her.
"What the-" Jeff was cut off when Jane kicked you in the stomach, causing you to fly back into a tree.
"AH!" You yelled and suddenly you heard talking in your head and smiled.
"Welcome back," You said, chuckling
"Good to be.." You said, but it wasn't your voice, it was a deep, demonic voice and it spoke again.
"I see you're in a bundle. Mind if we?" The voice spoke and you nodded.
"Bring everyone out! Let's have a family reunion!" You laughed to the sky which turned dark gray and blood-red clouds.
"Ring around the Rosie....." You sang slowly, your laugh dying down, but more laughter was heard from the trees.
"Pockets full of posies...."  a deeper voice spoke the one from earlier.
"Ashes ashes..." more than one voice sung at the same time.
"We all fall down." you and the trees sung together.
"Ring around the Rosie,
This evil thing it knows me...
Lost souls surround me...
Down." you said and took off your eye patch, you suddenly fell to the floor, laughing.
Jane and Jeff saw your eyes fall out and onto the ground, your teeth following, blood dripped from your eyes and mouth. But this blood was black.
You looked up and your eye background was navy blue with black veins, your eyes a light blue (pic above) and you smiled, teeth sharp as hooks and shark teeth.
"It's where my demons hide...." you spoke as demons came out from the trees, grinning like you were and you said emotionless,
"I don't suffer from my insanity, I enjoy every minute of it." and pointed to Jane and commanded
"Fathers sin." They all growled loudly and launched at Jane who tried to fight them off with a knife, but was no use to their demon claws and power.
"(Y/N)! PLEASE STOP! YOU'RE SCARING ME!!" A voice yelled and your eyes widened and your demons froze as well. You looked around left to right, up to down, and saw nothing but heard the voice again.
"(Y/N)! PLEASE STOP!" You dropped to your knees and looked down, bloody tears falling on your clawed hands.
"Jonathan.....Where are you?! I cant see you!" You screamed
"I'M SORRY! You won this round....Come out...please..." you whispered and you felt a hand touch your shoulder and turned around to see a boy at 11 with dark brown hair, almost black and chocolate brown eyes.
"It's your fault. I'm dead because you let them kill me." Jonathan said emotionless and your mind went blank, but like a movie, it showed a movie.
"Jonathan!" you yelled happily running after your little brother, Jonathan.
"You're never gonna catch me!" He yelled from in front of you, laughing with joy.
That was the day he died. The last day he laughed, smiled, or even talked.
It was all your fault, you told yourself over and over again for 6 years. 5 years ago, your demons came to help you.
You and Jonathan ran home at dawn a little before, but dawn.
You had to go through town to get home, passed many alleys.
"Sis? I'm scared." Jonathan said, clutching your arm tightly.
"Don't worry we're be fi-" A hand grabbed Jonathan and one over your mouth and pulled you into an alley.
"Well, two brats for fun.." One chuckled and pushed Jonathan against the wall and took out a pocket knife.
Jonathan was 6 at the time, you at 9.
"Heh, she's pretty cute...." The guy holding you said and sniffed your neck.
"Let's make a deal." You said quietly and the men nodded.
"Do what you want to me, and let him go, we won't speak a word."
"Deal" That's when they raped you after they were done, the guys held your arms back and the other guy took Jonathan and held a knife to his neck.
"NO! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT HIM!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.
The guy laughed and chopped Jonathan's head off like it was nothing.
----------------end of sad flashback-----------------------------

"Jonathan......I-I.......I didn't mean to.....I'm sorry....." You spoke and fell to the ground with blood tears down your (s/t) cheeks as the sky and clouds turned their normal white color, demons back inside your head and trees.

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