Dire Straits P/2

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"You wouldn't mind sitting with her for a bit, would you Naoto? I'm just going to run home and get a few things for the night."

"Oh...of course, don't worry about me."

"Thank you so much." A pause, and the older woman turns just before she crosses the door's threshold. "She'll be so happy to know how much time you spent here, when she wakes up."

Naoto watches your mother leave the room from her seat beside your hospital bed. The words leave her somewhat warm, feeling comforted.

Yes...when you woke up.

Surely it is just a matter of time, now. You'd been here for just under a week. Teddie's healing had done the trick - the doctors had found nothing physically wrong with you - but you'd definitely needed the rest.

You're state isn't quite the same as Nanako's had been - they'd been able to chalk it up mostly to exhaustion. You'd opened your eyes a few times, and shifted in bed, but had not yet truly regained consciousness. All there is to do now is wait, and Naoto is happy to do that much.

The others had made it back from the battle safely, most of them are still resting - but they visit when they can. Kanji had stopped by a few times; he'd even made you one of those little plush figures you were so enamored with. It sits on the night stand under a vase of flowers brought by the rest of the IT.

Naoto remains the one to visit the most, though; she dedicates almost all of her free time to keeping your family company when they are here, sitting with you.

Sometimes she gets lucky enough to have a moment alone with you, where she feels comfortable enough away from prying eyes to entangle her fingers with your own. It's what she does now.

"That's okay..." She murmurs, almost unaware that she is speaking aloud, "Just...take your time. I'll be here."

Your fingers twitch a bit in her grasp.

"Mmhm." You hum, head turning on the pillow to face her.

Naoto pauses, waiting. Did you just...agree with her? How strange.

"Can you...hear me?" She whispers almost cautiously.

"Do I have ears?" You reply, not opening your eyes. Your voice is dry and hoarse from days without use. You clear your throat and let your eyes flutter open. "...Holy shit how long was I out?"

Naoto doesn't answer at first, stunned into silence. She is smiling.

"Eh?" You raise an eyebrow. "Oi, Sherlock."

Naoto chuckles a bit, for once pleased to hear the obnoxious nickname. "Don't worry, everything is over, now. Souji and the others made sure of that."

"So...no more whiney man-baby trying to wreck everything?"


It's your turn to smile. "Well, that's a relief - now I can relax in peace." You make a show of settling back into your hospital bed. She exhales a laugh and shakes her head at your antics, not realizing that she still has hold of your hand.

Noticing this prompts her to pull back, but you tighten your grip.

"I'm pretty stoked you all got out ok."

She smiles again, but it's tinged with sadness. "We were worried." Her voice is a whisper.

"I know." You meet her eyes, slowly lifting her hand so that you can brush your lips along her fingers. "I'm all better. Thanks to you."

She can only watch you with wide-eyes. You grin impishly and press a soft kiss to her knuckles. There are footsteps in the hall drawing closer to your room, and her cheeks flush at the thought of someone walking in on this strangely intense moment. Your eyes don't leave hers.

"My hero."

The doorknob turns. You give her fingers one last teasing peck before letting go of her hand. The door opens.

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