Duty before Humanity

870 14 4

This one was strongly inspired by a blog called the-modern-typewriter on Tumblr dot com.

She hovers at the side of the bed for far longer than she should have.

The Shiroganes have hunted vampires for five generations. I, myself, have slain countless of their kind. This is just another job.

After a moment, she squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head.

Yeah...keep telling yourself that.

You look as peaceful as you ever have - moonlight dancing across your skin as you sleep on.

When you two had gotten together, Naoto hadn't been aware of your...state. To her, you'd been human; pure and untainted and untouched. She'd loved you with every part of herself.

She still does, now, as she watches you. Her grip on the stake at her side loosens, and then tightens again; a physical product of her indecision. She's meant to empty herself of all emotion - one of a vampire's most dangerous traits is how human it looks. If a hunter allows their humanity to cloud their own judgement, it is easy to think of them as such.


But you...

You couldn't be a monster. It's impossible. She'd witnessed your kindness and your compassion. You had been so sincere. How could it have all been a lie?

Her fingers tighten around the stake. She takes it in both hands and holds it to her chest, watching your chest rise and fall with each serene breath. You have no idea of her internal struggle. No clue, even, that she is a hunter. Sworn enemy to your kind.

Your own girlfriend.

Her eyes sting as she raises the instrument of your demise high above her head.

She pauses. A sob rises from her throat, and it's so sudden that she fails to completely silence it.

Your eyes flutter and you shift in bed, awoken by the noise.

She panics, and her body moves as it always does when one of your kind startles her; she stabs downwards with her family's stake.

You scream - definitely awake, now - and flip her onto her back with inhuman speed, baring your fangs in preparation to defend yourself.

When you see who had attacked you, though...you pause.

She doesn't know what hurts worse, your grip on her throat, or the betrayal in your eyes.

If Only for a Moment ☓ You and HerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant