Baby, it's Cold Outside P/2

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You sigh happily and a little tiredly as you gaze up at the waning light in the sky. The others have returned to the lodge, but you and Naoto had decided to get a little more practice in. She wasn't opposed to getting some alone time, either.

She's made it down the hill a couple times without falling, now - but it's still a pretty constant part of her routine. She knows if it had just been her, she probably would've gotten frustrated with herself by now. With you here she can remember that this is all for fun. She isn't learning this for a case, nor is she really attempting to better herself in any way; it's just a trip out of town with the people she cares most about.

"Are you ready to head back, now?" You stretch your limbs to the sky as you ask the question. "I think I hear that hot bath calling my name."

"Well auditory hallucinations are definitely a sure sign to get inside." She hums, smiling and gazing at you through her lashes. You roll your eyes good-naturedly.

"Alright, Einstein, let's go then."


The snow has picked up quite a bit in the time it's taken you both to get lost. The sun has set completely, and visibility is miserable.

"How did we manage to get lost?" You groan and pull your scarf over your nose to combat the freezing wind. "I was following you the entire time."

"Me?" Her eyes widen momentarily, like this is the most horrifying thing she's heard all day. You see her duck her head down to hide an embarrassed grimace. "To be honest I thought you were keeping track of where we went, so I didn't pay much attention. I was...following you."


"Oh. Good." You sigh to yourself, a shiver racking your body. "Y'know, next time maybe we should both keep track...just in case."

"Good thinking." She nods, trudging through the snow. A moment later, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be; it isn't your fault. Let's just focus on finding a way back." She continues forward with you. "We'll be fine as long as we keep moving."

"The snow could be concealing things like cliffs or small rivers beneath us, though; I don't think we should keep walking around aimlessly." You notice for the first time that she's breathing pretty hard, shoulders hunched tiredly. "Actually I'm...reaching my limits out here."

An uneasy feeling rises in your gut. "Right. Don't fall asleep, okay? We'll get inside somewhere soon."

She nods, looking a little reassured but still weary and anxious. "I know - they say that all the time in all the adventure novels. Still...please don't go too far ahead." You promise that you won't. That's when something catches your eye, and she's quick to notice it soon after.

"Do you see that?" You question, not quite sure you aren't just being overly optimistic.

"It's a cottage!" She exclaims in relief, a small smile blooming, "Thank goodness! Even if it's empty there should be some things we can use to get warm. Let's go check it out!"

You aren't going to argue against such a lucky break. The two of you shuffle as fast as you can towards the small shack like it's an oasis in a scorching desert. The steps are slick with ice and the windows are dark. It doesn't look occupied, but Naoto knocks anyway.

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