Music to My Ears

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Inspired by a prompt from a tumblr blog called heichoupotatoghoul

When Naoto returns from her phone call, you've got your earbuds in and are scrolling through something on your phone. You are too distracted to even notice when she plops back down beside you. Not that she minds, of course - some of her favorite memories with you are silent ones. Just sitting and gazing at the stars or relaxing with a pile of books at your sides.

She takes this time to stare out over the horizon. It is almost possible to see all of Inaba from this hill. The fog is completely gone - and for two years the town had been working to better itself. It has a new kind of beauty, now.

You hum at something on your phone, a little smile peeking through a curtain of your hair. She smiles along at the sight, feeling warmer for it.

"So..." She busies herself with brushing imaginary dust from her jeans rather than look at you directly. "I have something to tell you, and I think now is the perfect time to do it."

Considering you can't hear me at all. Practice makes perfect, they say.

You don't react at all, only confirming her silent point. It calms her nerves some.

"Now, I know this is going to be a bit surprising..." She pauses, shaking her head with a frown. "No, perhaps more than a bit. Completely unexpected is more appropriate - I didn't see it coming, myself. I mean, it feels as though we've been friends for so long..."

Too much rambling... She sighs inwardly, trying to clear any unrelated thoughts from her mind and just focus on what she is trying to say.

"Look, my point is....I like you."

That felt...surprisingly better. She wants to keep going.

"I don't know when it began, or what triggered it, but the feelings I have for you have evolved from how you would feel for a friend." Yes, her chest is feeling lighter, now. "I know it may seem strange at first knowing that we're both women, but I...I don't want this to come between us. I'm not telling you in order to force your hand."

When she lifts her head to look at you, your eyes are wide as dinner plates, eyebrows practically merging with your hairline.

"Why...why are you looking at me like that?" You don't reply. "Don't...was your music even playing this entire time?!"

"Don't get mad,"

Naoto can practically hear the blood rush to her face.

"I'm sorry, I started talking so I thought you knew. And then you said you had something to tell me, and I didn't know it was going to be that serious!" You bite your lip and watch her with apologetic eyes as she attempts to disappear into her trusty hat. "By the time I realized you probably didn't know...I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't apologize," Her voice sounds strained, and she's refusing to make eye contact. "Shit."

You've never actually heard her curse before. You smile despite yourself. It's kinda adorable.

Slowly, you scoot closer until your shoulder is pressed against hers. "Hey...I'm not entirely...displeased with this turn of events. Just so you know." She peeks at you from beneath her hat, making your smile widen. "Not at all, really. I'm actually kind of stoked."


"Mhmm. Where's our first date gonna be...honey?"

She shudders and scoots away. She's not facing you, but you can tell by her jerking shoulders that she's laughing. "Don't do that."

"Do what?" You scoot even closer than before, if that's possible. Your lips are right against her ear. "Darling?"

She scoots away again, but the bench is only so long, and she tumbles to the ground. Her laughs are more evident this time. She scrambles to her feet as you get up to chase her. "Stop it!" She shouts, giggling.

"Stop what, light-of-my-life?!" You snicker, grabbing at her as she dodges around you.

You two spend a good few minutes running around the empty park like you're children again.

She's surprising fast on such short legs, but eventually you sling an arm around her waist and manage to restrain her from jerking away. You're both breathless, but still giggling uncontrollably.

She turns to face you, still confined by your arm, and you press your forehead to hers.

The following kiss is effortless, like you've been doing it forever. She's disregarded her bashfulness and you've forgone the jokes...for now. It's a bit clumsy, filled with leftover grins from your antics. You tilt her head upwards with a gentle hand, and she tangles her fingers in your hair. She makes a pleased noise somewhere deep in her throats and rises to her toes so she can wrap her arms around your neck and pull you closer.

When the moment finally ends you both just stand there caught up in swelling emotions and the warmth the other provides.

"It's a pretty good first date, don't you think?" You murmur, wicked smile spreading across your face. "Dear?"

She could try out for football with a tackle like that.

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