A Spoonful of Sugar

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I hope y'all weren't starting to suspect I was above coffee shop aus, otherwise I'm about to disappoint you.

It's been a long day at work. You wipe your hands off on your apron after bussing another table. You aren't supposed to do that, technically - the aprons are supposed to stay white - but you are too fatigued to care.

"Hey, hey, your girlfriend's back."

Your head shoots up almost automatically, eyes scanning the floor for where the mysterious blue-haired girl sits before you find her seated next to the window, in the far corner.

A moment later, when gleeful laughter is sounding in your ear, you frown at your coworker-turned-best-friend in what is supposed to be a menacing fashion.

"I've never called her my girlfriend. I said she was cute. Once!"

"Oh, please, it's still written all over your face. You're smitten! If you knew her name you'd be writing it all over your notebooks in class!" She cackles as she teases you, poking at you while you try to bat her hands away. You're laughing, too, now. "Mrs. and Mrs. Cute-Coffee-Girl!"

"Shhh, or she'll hear you!" You give her a playful shove and start wiping down the nearest table to at least look like you're working. "You and your big mouth..."

"I'm trying to help you out." She grins. "That mug's been sitting there for a while. Go fill 'er up."

She takes the towel from your hands and slaps at you with it until you laugh and get going. "Okay, okay!" You wave her off as you retreat.

The girl is even prettier up close. Her entire outfit is different shades of blue. She's wearing a long coat, plaid pants, and a newsboy cap - and it all complements her pale skin and dark hair. You think maybe it's a bit fancy, even for the city, but it suits her, somehow.

Then, again, maybe it's just because I come from a small town like Inaba. I only come here for work, usually.

She looks pensive, sitting with her hands steepled in front of her, gazing off ahead without really seeing anything. Too lost in thought.

You snatch up a pot of coffee from a cart and sidle up beside her. She blinks once, then twice, then glances up at you in mild surprise.

"Need a refill?" You nod towards her nearly empty mug.

"Oh..." She makes a surprised noise like she hadn't even noticed she'd had so much, then smiles a little. "Yes, please, that would be wonderful." You grin and top her off.

"You must really like this stuff. You're here almost every day."

"Ah, I just have...a job nearby, soon. I find this place to be a relaxing way to spend time until I'm called upon." Her voice is deep for a girl, soothing and low.

"Oh, I'm sure Boss'd be happy to hear that." You chuckle. "Gimme a shout if you need anything else."

"Thank you." She says in parting, and you turn to leave.

You make small talk with her a few more times when your rounds bring you by her table. She stays for a little longer than usual. You fill her cup a third time, and she seems to be enjoying your company as much as you are hers.

You feel your confidence growing.


"How'd it go?" Your friend swings by you a little later, back in her street clothes and ready to clock out for the day.

"Really well, actually."

"Ha, I guess you owe me something special, then."

"Yeah, yeah, get out of here, already." You chuckle, pushing her lightly towards the door. "I've gotta bring her the bill."

She winks and ducks out of the cafe.

When you return to the other girl's table, she's leaning back against the chair, gazing out the window. Her fingers tap absently against the tabletop, and you slip the little receipt under them with a grin.

She gives a little start when she realizes you're there.

"Have a good day. Maybe I'll see you around."

She smiles again, "Perhaps you will." She glances at the slip as you walk away, but calls out when she reads it. "Oh, miss! I think you've made a mistake - I had three coffees, but you only charged me for two."

"Oh, you didn't know?" You turn around, biting your lip and smiling bashfully. "We have this new policy in place today that says if a pretty girl orders two coffees, her third is on the house. Guess you just got lucky."

She watches you with wide eyes as you turn and walk away before she can see how red your face is.

Was that corny? That was so corny. You think to yourself, grinning stupidly as you duck into the back room. I probably should've made sure I had enough money before hand, too. Hopefully Boss doesn't notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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