The Easiest Thing in the World

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She'd never considered her job hard.

Difficult? Yes, of course. Detective work was never made to be simple. It was constantly pushing her limits and expanding her mind; her abilities. But this is different.

You always take it so well when she cancels on you. Lord knows how many dates had been cut short, how many nights had been...interrupted. Each time she expects you to finally arrive at your wits end, to finally turn your infamous glare on her and exclaim that you'd had enough.

Never had it actually happened, though. You always gave her that understanding smirk and assure her that you'd see her soon. Somehow, Naoto feels that that makes it harder to leave each time rather than easier. Her heart can't take it much longer.

She hates having to leave. Her job is something that she loves more than anything; a connection to her late parents and most of all her beloved grandfather - she'd never expected to resent it so. But it never fails to tear her away from you, the one person she wants to connect with most.

It's your birthday, for god's sake.

You'd told her not to worry about it, just like you always did. Forever unfazed by your girlfriend's irregular hours.

But, she couldn't not worry about it. That's not how her mind works.

She spends every moment she can spare that day cursing herself for not being able to be there. You two had made so many plans and it had seemed that finally her life was ready to give her a reprieve...

Then she'd gotten the call.

Of course, she doesn't slack when it comes to the case. No matter her personal issues she's never given less than her best when on the job. She is, first and foremost, a detective. She's damn good at her job and she isn't about to allow her personal life or feelings to get in the way of bringing a criminal to justice.

Still - as good as she is at her job, the case takes a few days to work itself out. It's not something easily forced, as much as she wants it to go quickly.

She calls you the night it's over, fresh from a celebration at the precinct that she's sure is still in full swing; relaxing back at her hotel. She hadn't been in the mood for much of a party, though. She's sure they'll forgive her for leaving early - resting after a difficult case, and all that.

When you pick up the phone, your voice is as cheerful as ever. There's barking in the background, and you're still speaking to the dog you two had gotten when you'd moved in together in that precious little baby voice you liked to use for him.

"-Sit now, I'm gonna talk to mama." She hears you say, and chuckles to herself. She feels her mood brightening already. "And hello to you, Naoto-kun. How'd the case go?"

"All is well," She replies, smiling a little. "Has everything been alright on your end?"

"Besides our fur-child throwing a royal fit when you left? Everything's been dandy. Kanji-kun dropped off cupcakes yesterday for me. I saved you a couple, cuz you like 'em so much."

She laughs out loud, this time. "How kind of you. I'm sorry I left you to deal with that on your own. He didn't chew anything up, did he?"

"Kanji-kun? Not this time, but let me tell you last time was a bitch to clean up." Naoto says your name, playfully stern. Your following giggle sends a warm feeling through her. "No decorative pillows were harmed in the making of this tantrum."


"But, your little stuffed puppy might've seen a little nibbling action."

"Mr. Holmes?!" She gasps, before hearing your snickers and realizing that you're only trying to rile her up. "For that I'm withholding your birthday present for an extra week."

It's your turn to gasp, rather comically. "Naoto-kun.~" The loudness of your voice riles up the resident fur-baby, again, and you have to spend a few minutes calming him down again. "See what you did? Anyway, I have something special planned for when you get back. Tomorrow, right?"

"That's right, if all goes well. I'll probably be home before you even get out of bed."


"Hey. I'm supposed to be the one planning for your birthday."

"You'll forgive me when you see it." The sing-song tone of your voice has her grinning, excited to see you again. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Mm-hm. I love you."

"I love you."

You say your goodbyes, hang up, and Naoto gets ready for bed.


She's worried that when she walks through the door the next morning, that Drew will bark loud enough to wake the neighborhood.

Luckily, the lazy thing is still curled up on his cushion in the living room when she closes it behind her, snoring away. She removes her shoes and pads her way back to the bedroom.

There's a lump under the covers, only tufts of hair are visible where they poke out from the head of the bed. You breath slowly, evenly, showing no signs of stirring. She sighs a little in relief and undresses once more before crawling into bed beside you.

As if sensing her presence, you roll over in bed to face her, curling into the familiar warmth, and she pulls you closer as gently as she can so she doesn't wake you.

She's happy to be home.

Kissing your forehead and relaxing into you, she realizes that as hard as her job may be when it takes her away from you - this...

This is the easiest thing in the world.

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