Not Again

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Frank would love to say that everything is absolutely grand on Monday when they're back at school, but unfortunately he cannot. Even more unfortunate is the fact that it's his fault. The Problem is with Frank.

Gerard is lovely, and he keeps trying to grab Frank's hand in the hall or be low key coupley all over the school, and Frank simply isn't having any of it. He wants to be that obnoxious couple that everyone hates because they're jealous, but he just can't. The problem is that Frank, other than with his close friends, is still supposed to be straight.

To his classmates, he's still that straight guy who never dates anyone. Probably because everyone thinks he's picky and none of the girls at their school are good enough for him, and to extent that's not incorrect. Some of the people at this school are actually really great people, a lot of the girls are genuinely fantastic people who Frank would totally date if he wanted to, but there is a huge problem in that he doesn't want to. Basically every single boy is an enormous asshat, but not all of them. Frank's not in the business of kidding himself, he knows that even some of his friends are colossal twats, like Brendon, but he also doesn't care that much.

The only person who Frank seems to think is the best person in school is the very person who he's been shrugging off the whole day. Frank understands that one of, if not the most colossal twat in school is himself.

Frank doesn't know what's keeping him for just admitting who he is, but the same terrified feeling he had when he was trying to tell Brendon and Pete is returning now with a vengeance. It feels worse now. He doesn't know why.

He thinks it's because he knows that he simply won't be accepted by some people. There's just too many people for all of them to be accepting, and part of him is terrified of that, even if it's a minority, it still scares him.

It's a small school, and it's a small town. It's 2015, sure, but small town means smaller minds. There's a bunch of gay kids in school, and some are widely known, Gerard wasn't much of a secret apparently, but there isn't a single gay couple. To Frank's knowledge, there never has been.

Another thing that terrifies him is that his private life is going to be up for grabs so quickly, and it's not fair. He doesn't want that to be anything but his. He doesn't want anyone prying, he doesn't want to be different, and he doesn't want him and Gerard to be a spectacle. Sure he wants everyone to be jealous of the fact that they're adorable and what not, but he doesn't want it to be because they're both boys.

Possibly the worst thing is Pete and Mikey. Pete has little to no inhibitions on a good day. Mikey seems completely impervious to outside stares and opinions. This means that they are now officially the gay couple. They're probably the first one in the entire school, or at least the first one that is actually out. But they don't seem to care. Frank doesn't know how they do it. They're so blatant, no secretiveness to it. He wants to have their lack of embarrassment and shame, because Gerard is too good for Frank to be hiding about it. Gerard doesn't deserve to have a coward of a boyfriend.

Frank is pretty sure that Gerard has noticed. By third period he's stopped attempting to even find Frank in the hall. Frank doesn't know what to do or what to say, but he knows that if he were Gerard, he'd be pretty pissed off too.

Frank is somewhat dreading lunch, because he knows that he's going to fight off something or other, either himself, Gerard, or a very angry Mikey. Frank is honestly startled by those two, they seem to both be the older brother in various situations, except Frank is sure that he knows which Way he would less like to piss off. Being on Gerard's bad side isn't ideal, especially considering that he's hopelessly in love with the guy, but Mikey is the kind of dude who could make you disappear. They're very tightknit as far as brothers go, and both of them make no secret of the fact that they are willing to murder for the other.

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