Chapter Six: On The Brink

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Larry heard the sternness in Laurent's voice when asked where he is and is somewhat intimidated by it. Without question he's still hurt by Laurent's non verbal response because to him it was a yes...but he still doesn't know how to respond to Laurent's question of his whereabouts. They're already in the middle of a fight and Larry leaving is not only something he's never done before but even as he walked out he knew it was wrong. They had always agreed to deal with their problems as they come and to never walk away from them. Just like they agreed they would never go to bed angry. However in that moment Larry just didn't know what else to do. His frustration with Laurent had been building up so much lately and this is close to being the final straw for him. He simply can't take it anymore. Still, telling Laurent where he is won't help anything so he finds himself doing something else he's never done to Laurent since falling in love with him...

Larry: "Uh. I just take a drive around the city for clear my head". 

Laurent: "You tell me the truth"?

*brief pause*

Larry: "Yeah...yeah that's the truth". 

Larry feels his stomach turn because the "something" he's never done to Laurent before is lie. He can't believe that he did but what other option did he have? It would only add fuel to the fire if Laurent knew he went to another man's house even if it was innocent with nothing happening... 

Laurent: *sigh* "Oki. Are you on your way home now"?

Larry: "Yeah I'll be there soon". 

Laurent: "Good. When you get here we have to talk". 

Larry: "Laurent, I...."

Laurent: "I'll see you when you get here". 

And here goes Laurent again...cutting Larry off and not listening to him. Larry knows he's wrong for leaving but on the other hand he simply didn't have the strength to deal with it and to him it was better to leave and cool off than stay there with tension building. Of course he knows that the moment he walks through the door he won't have much of a choice to face it head on so as he drives home he braces himself for it... 


Larry drives into the garage and after shutting the engine off he sits for several moments to mentally prepare himself before getting out and going inside. When he walks in there's an eerie silence. No sound of the TV, no music, no anything. Just silence. He walks further into the living room and that's when he sees Laurent sitting in his favorite chair. Their eyes connect but no words will come out just yet. Laurent is giving Larry a blank stare and there's also a hint of anger behind his eyes so naturally both cause Larry to nervously chew on his bottom lip like he always does whenever he and Laurent are at odds. Each second of silence that passes Larry is all the more nervous about where this is going although deep down he's certain of where. Laurent will eventually be the one to speak up...

Laurent: "So is this what you're going to do every time we fight now? Leave"?

There's a semi-long pause as Larry takes in a breath...his chest visibly rising and falling. Before he can even get an answer out...

Laurent: "First you leave now you won't answer me"? 

Larry: *sigh* "I don't know what to say Laurent and there's nothing to say anyway. You said all I need to hear". 

Laurent also sighs then stands up and walks over to him. Now eye to eye...

Laurent: "Larry, all I'm trying to say is that I can't say no to people who come to me and need my help. This is what I do oki? Why don't you understand that"?

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