Chapter Eight: Aftermath

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Larry's eyes slowly flutter open at the sound of his alarm clock. It's loud enough to awake him from his slumber yet low enough so it won't disturb Laurent who always sleeps a little longer than he does. He reaches his hand towards the nightstand to silence the noise but stays put for a while staring off into space before finally pulling himself out of bed to begin his usual morning routine of preparing breakfast and lunch for Laurent then ultimately getting ready for work himself. Normally random thoughts fill his mind as he does everything but this morning much like the past two mornings his thoughts are consumed by one thing...the betrayal against his husband and for the past two days it's all he's thought about. He's still in such a state of shock as he never imagined that going over for what was supposed to be relaxation and fun would turn into infidelity...but it did and since then Larry has barely spoken two words to Laurent. He blows out a soft exhale then turns his head back to look at Laurent who's still sleeping peacefully. The gaze upon his face lasts several moments then Larry softly flips the cover off of him to get up and go to the bathroom to freshen up before going to the kitchen to get started. One thing he's grown accustomed to in this short amount of time is taking his phone with him because since his act of deception Todd has left numerous messages and the last thing Larry wants is Laurent becoming suspicious by the constant activity. Once in the kitchen Larry places the phone on the counter then goes over to the fridge to retrieve the breakfast items and delectable deli meats required to cook breakfast and make his husband's lunch. He starts with making lunch and as he folds the meats onto the bread...covering them with slices of cheese, lettuce and tomato he begins to have flashbacks of that erotic moment for what has to be the millionth time since it happened. Several head shakes to rid his mind of the images are unsuccessful...and why should they have been successful? It's something that simply can't be forgotten nor ignored no matter how much Larry tries or should have tried...but what's most surprising to him is the reason it can't be forgotten or ignored that he still has yet to come to grasp with and with that thought he exhales deeply then finishes building the sandwiches. He carefully wraps them up then places them in Laurent's lunch pale along with some left over side dishes and a few pieces of fruit. To keep the food cool and fresh he puts the pail in the fridge then starts on breakfast...


Laurent's alarm is now going off so he slowly opens his eyes. After a grunt in frustration at the noise he stretches then reaches over to turn it off. He doesn't immediately get up because just like Larry he turns his head to Larry's side of the bed. Even though he knows Larry is already up he looks anyway trying to figure out why his behavior has been so off lately. He whispers, "why don't you talk to me bebe" as he continues to look at the empty space next to him. At that moment he feels something prick his heart because it's one thing for there to already be distance between them because of the ongoing fighting but now Larry is leaving him completely out of the loop as to what's caused him to completely shut down. Laurent goes back to closed eyes as he takes in a deep breath. He slowly blows it out then raises up to sit on the edge of the bed. A small smile comes to his face at the sight of a beautiful bright day and a bird perched on the banister of the patio connected to their bedroom just chirping away...but the questions in his mind and the despair in his heart won't allow him to smile for long. The smile slowly fades and he eventually stands up to go and take a shower then get dressed for another long, busy day at work...


Several slices of bacon are sizzling in the pan and a few pieces of bread are toasting away when Larry hears his phone going off. He already knows who it is but there's still a level of curiosity as to what Todd's message will be this time. He flips the bacon over so it can fry on the other side then he turns around and slowly walks towards his phone that's on the counter across from him. He picks it up and the screen reads, "1 text message". He gulps then unlocks the phone to read it. As he expected it's from Todd and it reads, "when can I see you again"? Just like the other messages from him Larry won't respond to this one either so he places his phone back on the counter. He stares off into space...wondering if he will ever answer or if it's best to just avoid him altogether. Then he smells smoke so he turns around to see it rising from the toaster. He exclaims, "shit" to himself before leaping over to stop it before it gets worse. He also realizes the bacon has burned so now he has to start that over too. He becomes so flustered that tears comes to his eyes. He's never been so distracted in his life. With fresh bacon now in the pan as well as fresh bread in the toaster Larry watches both intently and after both are finished he scrambles some eggs then makes some hash browns. Moments later Laurent comes into the kitchen to greet him by way of a soft kiss to Larry's temple which is customary and should be expected by Larry now...but the fact that Larry jumps at the sensation as if he's in fear or surprised by it certainly peaks Laurent's interest...

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