Ask/Dare #4

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A question from.... @ThisCATgotBLACK234
I dare you to tell me your dick size.


Madara: *He sighs, his face slightly tinged with a red blush.*
"You see... these are the type of questions... that I was fearing to answer. Anyways... my dick size... here... since you never asked for specifics.... let's just say it's.... what you'd expect from an Uchiha. Which is rather.... large.~ Fine. I'll tell you what it's over..."
*He then lowers his tone and whispers,*
"Perhaps... it's over 7 inches~~"

Izuna: "OVER 7?!?!?"

Madara: "There's no way you heard that!!"

Izuna: "I couldn't help but listen in~ it's quite an interesting question..~"

Madara: "INTERESTING..?!"

Izuna: "Ahem... I'll be off... nice question!"

Madara: "UGH. I almost feel violated!-"

((LOVED this question. This was a lot of fun!))

ASK/ DARE MADARA UCHIHA!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu