Ask/Dare #11

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@TsubakiUzumaki says...
I dare you and Izuna to go up to Hashirama.... and then.... fanboy over him.... seductively and should he say no jump on him....


Madara: Alright alright, I get it with the whole dot dot dot thing... you want me to get sexual. Fine...

Izuna: You forgot about me, Madara~san!!!

Madara: UGH. Not you...

Izuna: Yay!! I get to do a dare with big brother Madara~!

Madara: Yes... except we're both going to seduce Hashirama Senju...

Izuna: Reeeally? Oooo!! Sounds fun!!

Madara: No it does NOT...! Alright... I suppose we might as well hurry it up and get it over with... Let's go.
-He then harshly snatches his brother by the wrist, practically dragging him onwards to find the legendary first hokage.-

Hashirama: -There he sat, beneath a tree, signing a few papers and engulfing himself in his work. He decided he'd get some fresh air, considering the fact he'd been working indoors all morning. Hearing footsteps, he peers over his paperwork and spots Madara standing alongside Izuna.-

((Btw- in this dare, Izuna is alive👍✨))

Izuna: Hi there, Hashirama..!

Hashirama: Hello, Izuna! Madara, why might you be here with your brother, hmm..?

Madara: -He then releases a long sigh, then speaks,-
Oh, Hashirama... we figured you'd been working quite the while, and so why not have a short break?

Hashirama: I don't think I can, Madara. I have too many papers to do. Maybe... er... tomorrow we could-

Madara: Oh but Hashirama..! How could you refuse..? I am your dearest friend, after all, while Izuna is here as well..!

Hashirama: Madara... I-

Madara: You do know how we think of you... right..?

Hashirama: Um... I... don't know-

Izuna: Well then... you should know..~
-He then appears beside Hashirama, brushing his papers out of the way while tracing his fingers delicately over his chest.-
Hashirama... we view you as a legend... and a grand one at that..~
Handsome, all powerful, and skilled at everything you do..~!

Madara: Boisterous... yet someone I would...
-He hesitates before saying this, even while knowing he was being forced to since Tsubaki would punch his face in if he refused.-
Someone I would pleasure so deeply if he'd let me...
Hashirama... Izuna and I ask a little favor. Let us satisfy your sexual needs for the day..~
-The Uchiha licks his lips seductively.-

Hashirama: -His face was alit with a dark red, his eyes widened in shock.-
B-But Madara... I... I'm a married man... y-you know this right...? I... I don't think I can... L-Let you do that... and plus.. w-we're... outside... where people could see....

Madara: -He then unexpectedly surges forth, Hashirama being knocked back and onto his spine, in which Izuna and him both had the hokage pinned to the ground.-

Izuna: -His sharingan spun as he held him to the ground, and he then lowers, his tongue dragging along the side of Hashirama's neck.-

Hashirama: -He bites his lip, the smallest mewl escaping him. He then says through a helpless, submissive tone,-
You damn Uchiha... ngh.. this is... you shouldn't...
-His eyes widen as he watches Madara then moves downward as well..-

Madara: -He then collides his lips with Hashirama's, the kiss quite heated as Hashirama was baffled by this behavior. His lips glide smoothly against his, his tongue then gently flicking against Hashirama's bottom lip as if it were a tease, yet it was just to simply draw open the hokage's mouth.-

Hashirama: -He parts his lips with hardly any consciousness, as he'd been so baffled.-

Madara: -With that, his tongue had entered his mouth, wriggling hotly against the hokage's tongue, in which moved ever so slightly in return.-

Izuna: -His tongue meanwhile had begun to lower down his neck, and he now moved Hashirama's clothes downward with a light tug  so he could reach his delicate sweet spot. He remained in that same area, licking at it gently before planting his lips upon the spot and sucking at the soft flesh.-

Hashirama: -His tongue then began to move more, soft noises escaping his lips as he'd felt Izuna sucking upon his sweet spot, yet the fact that Madara was kissing him was what may have drove him on the most.-

Madara: -He could feel himself conjuring up saliva in Hashirama's mouth, as it'd been sloshing around with every movement his tongue made. Knowing that Hashirama was moaning beneath him caused a surge of dominance to flow within him. He almost wanted to keep tormenting his dearest friend... but with Izuna here, it made the Uchiha want to take complete control over both of them. He was like an alpha wolf, eager to make sure that everyone knew HE was the one in charge. However, it ended there. Madara pulls back, along with a string of saliva.-

Hashirama: -He was left in shock as the Uchiha then lifts off of him, yet with Izuna still be left there helplessly.-

Madara: -He snatches Izuna by the hair and lifts him off the Hokage.-

Izuna: -Another string of saliva followed along after he was tugged off, and then he whines,-
Madaraaaa~!! Come on..! Can't we just stay for a little longer...? I wasn't nearly finished!

Madara: No. we're done, Izuna. The man's got a wife, and I'd rather not wreck him any further...

Hashirama: M-Madara..! Izumi..! Wait..! I... you... you didn't have to.. leave so abruptly...

Madara: Why would you want to still have sex when you're already married..?!

Hashirama: I... I... well... Madara I cant answer that right now... I just... can't..

Madara: Then we're finished. Then again, I would have fun hearing you beg and plead for more, but I have other things to do... perhaps we could still finish this some other time.

Izuna: Madaraaaaa!! Pleeeease!?! I feel something hard and I need to satisfy my OWN needs!!

Madara: Then do it yourself! Satisfy your needs YOURSELF!!

Izuna: But I can't suck my own dick-

Madara: -gAg-

Izuna: -nYoOmS-

Madara: Wasn't a bad dare, Tsubaki... I MEANT- WHAT A HORRIBLE DARE, TSUBAKI..!! AHEM...
-Cough cough-
I love Hashirama...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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