Ask/Dare #8

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@Ladysaotohoshido asks,
Excuse me I have a question. Why do you believe there is a better world than this?


Madara: What a fine question indeed! I've been waiting for a question such as this. All of the others I have been given were rather... frightening. Anyways, my answer to that is quite simple, at least, in my mind it is. In this world, there are things that everyone must face... cruelty. Death. Punishment. Agony. And fear. This is a world young children, and the weak ones, cannot handle it, and this is a world nobody should have to suffer through. We humans, deal with wars... murder... all sorts of horrible, horrible things because we are cruel. But the innocent, and those which find death and slaughter to be disgusting and awful, are having to go through this, because the world... is unfair. Unfair and cruel. But there is a way... or there must be a way, where humans can live in a world of peace. A world where there doesn't have to be death, or cruelty. Humans cannot suffer for this long in such a harmful world. So there is, and must be another world where humans, no matter how innocent or cruel, can live happily, and peacefully. That is the world I shall create. That is the world I've dreamt of creating. That is why there must be a better world than this.

((This was fun indeed! Gr8 question!! Love answering these questions as Madara!!))

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