Chapter 9

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Tim POV: I walked into Bill's office where he had a phone book out looking for a number. "You know, there's this crazy new invention called the internet. It's a lot quicker than searching the yellow pages." I said. "Hell, I barely know how to turn that thing on." He said pointing to the old computer oh his desk. A friend of his bought it for him a few years back and I bet he has probably tunred it on twice, if that. It'd be a miracle if that thing even still worked. "Do me a favor and hand me my glasses over there on that bookshelf." He said and I did. "Hey, do you need me to stay around tonight or anything? Because Jack invited me to go out with him and some friends. But if you need me here I'll stay." "No, I got it under control. You go out and have a good time. Try to get your mind off Jes." "Alright, I will...thanks." "No problem." He said. Then he picked up the phone and started to call someone. I went back to the break room and pulled out my bag. I threw on a clean t-shirt and a pair of jeans that weren't as worn out as the ones I had on. Then I grabbed my keys and headed for the bar downtown.

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