Chapter 32

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Faith POV: I asked Gale for a ride over to the auto shop to pick up my car this morning. She dropped me off and I went into the front lobby. Tim was at the front desk doing some paper work. "Hey." I said and his face lit up. "Hey, stay right here and let me go get your keys." "Alright" I said. Tim POV: I ran to the back and grabbed Faith's keys then I went back out to the front desk. I started to hand them to her but then pulled my hand back. "I'll give you these keys if you answer me one question." I said. She raised her eyebrows. "Ok, what is it?" I had practiced what I was about to say in my head all night, I hope I don't sound like a total fool to her. "What are you doing this saturday?" "Are you doing what I think you're doing?" "Depends, what do you think I'm doing?" "You're asking me out on a date." "And if I was, would you say yes?" She cracked a smile and I could see her cheeks turning red. "I might." She said. "Well, there's this fall festival thing that the local church puts on this saturday. Would you maybe like to go with me?" I asked. Please God let her say yes! "Hmm, I'll think about." She said teasing me. "Come on, please! Don't make me beg because I will and it won't be a pretty site." She laughed a little. "Ok ok, I'll go." "Pick you up around 6?" "Sounds good, see you then." "Can't wait." I said as I handed her the keys. The rest of the day and on into the night I had a huge smile on my face everytime I thought about Faith. All I could think about was how awesome saturday was going to be!

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