Chapter 35

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Tim POV: I walked up to Faith's front door and knocked on it. A few minutes later she opened the door. My eyes widened at the sight of her. She looked amazing! For the first time in a while I was speechless. I kind of just stared at her and tried to keep my jaw from dropping. "Too much?" She asked. "Not at all! look beautiful!" I managed to say with a bit of a stutter. "Thanks...wanna come in for a minute while I go put on my shoes?" "Sure." We both walked in and I took a seat on the couch in the living room. That's when I spotted a guitar in the corner of the room. "You play guitar?" I asked. "Not really, I can play some but I'm not that great." "Can I see it?" "Knock yourself out." She said. I picked it up and started to strum the cords to one of my favorite songs, Don't Close Your Eyes by Keith Whitley. "I love that song!" Faith said as she walked out of her bedroom. "Me too, Keith Whitley is one of my favorites." She came over and sat down on the couch beside me and I started to play again. "🎶I know you loves him a long time ago. And even now in my arms you still want him I know...🎶" I started to sing. I made it through the beginning of the first chorus then I looked up at Faith. I could tell she had some kind of enotional connection to this sound. And I wasn't quite sure, but it looked like she had tears im her eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry." I said. She shook her head. "Don't be." She said with a smile. "So, you ready to get going?" I asked as I got up and put the guitar back. "Yep! Let's go."She said. Then we got in my car and left.

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