Chapter 24

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Faith POV: As I was paying for my groceries I over heard two older men outside of the store talking about a big storm that was coming in. "Did they just say something about a storm coming?" I asked the chashier. "Yeah, a tropical storm I believe." She said. "Do you know how bad it's suppose to get?" "I'm not sure. You never really know with these things. Sometimes it's just a little rain and other times it's a full blown hurricane. Guess we will hust have to wait and see." She said. I shook my head in agreement. Then I grabbed my bags and left. I was driving home when I passed a little gas station on the side of the road and some idiot in a tow truck pulled out in front of me. Thank God I wasn't going too fast, but I could already tell the front if my car was damaged. Both the driver of the truck and I pulled into the gas station.

Tim POV: "Bill is going to kill me!" I said to myself as I pulled back into the gas station. I got out of the tow truck just as the woman driving the truck I hit got out. She looked so mad. You could almost see the steam coming out of her ears! I took a deep breath and prepared to be yelled at by her.

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