Chapter 48

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Faith POV: "So, you said you didn't have that great of a relationship with your dad?" I asked Tim as we layed in bed. " tell you the truth, Bill's been more of a father figure to me than my actual dad." "I've always been curious about how you met Bill." "Well, my dad walked out on me and my mama when I was just a baby. Then mama met this other guy and had my sisters. He was ok at first but then he started to be abusive, so mama dumped him. She had a hard time trying to raise us kids on her own so Bill and his wife Peggy loaned her some money and helped her out. I've just sort of always known him. Bill was the one who taught me to ride a bike and drive a car. He even came to every single one of my games when I was in school. And when I was 13 he gave me a job at his shop. At first it was just washing cars and taking care of some office stuff, but then he taught me everything I know about cars." "That's so sweet! He seems like a great man." "He's really a great guy, I don't know where I'd be without him." He said. Tim and I layed in bed all night and just talked. We told eachother things about ourselves that we had never told anyone else. Before I knew it, it was almost 3am. "I think we better get some sleep now." Tim said. "Yeah, you're right." I lifted my head from his chest and gave him a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight darlin'" He said. God I love it when he says that! "Goodnight." I said with the biggest smile ever. Everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly.

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