Chapter 29

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 Faith POV: About 5 minutes after Tim had left I heard a knock at the door. It was Gale. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Was that Tim that dropped you off?" "Um, yes...wait you know him?" "Know him? Honey there ain't a girl in town that don't know him!" "What do you mean?" I said as I invited her in. "He is the kind of guy that every girl in this town is drooling over." "Well if he's so special then why did he and his wife just get a divorce?" "How did you know that?" "He told me." "Oh...well yes him and his wife had been together for a while but then things just went south. Now every girl I know is after him. So what were you two doing together?" She asked with a wink. "It's nothing like that. Him and I got into a little fender bender and her offered to drive me home while my car was in the shop." "You like him don't you." I started to crack a smile. "What? No are you kidding me? Of course not! He just gave me a ride home." "Mhm...Don't try to play it off, I see that smile you're trying to hide." "Can't a girl smile without being judged?" She smiled back at me like sue could see right through the front I was trying to put up. The truth was, there was something about Tim that made me really like him but I had no idea what it was. "You can't tell me you didn't at least think he was cute!" "Well...ok yes he is really cute. But that doesn't mean anything!" "You should ask him out sometime!" "Definitely not...Did you forget that I just lost my husband not too long ago? I'm far from ready to go out and date someone again." I said. "Look, I know it's going to take time for that wound to heal, but you should give Tim a chance. He's a really great guy once you get to know him." "I'll think about it." I said. We spent a few more minutes talking then she left and I went back to putting my groceries away.

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