Chapter 1

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Heyo!! So I posted about this book in my Touken Ranbu Randomness book that I also write and I decided to finally make it a real book!! I already have chapters 1&2 written as a rough draft and I am presenting the final draft of Chapter 1 to you today and hopefully chapter 2 sometime next week or the following week. I will most likely do either an every weekend or every other weekend update for this. I haven't decided yet. Anyways i now present you my new idea! Plz tell me what you think after your done reading!! Also tell me how the cover looks! Me and my little cousin made it together last night and I'm proud of her handy work! ^°^

And now on with the chapter!
(Written: 11/19/16)


"Yamato!! Do you did you finish last nights homework!?! I completely forgot about it!!" My friend Midare stated as she ran up to my desk in a frantic mood.

"You mean you forgot, again. You do know you have Namazuo and Honebami to get it from and yet you still forget." I stated as I pulled out the homework assignment out of my light blue folder that was sitting in my desk. "You really need to prioritize in doing your homework more often. Your just lucky you have me as a friend who willing to help you."

"Yeah yeah I know I know. I should study more, but I never have time to at home. I have way more important things to do at home anyways." She stated as she sat in her desk in front of me and started to copy the homework into her notebook.

"And by Important do you mean obsess over that stupid boy band you so much like. Who was your favorite again?? Isn't it that blue haired one or no?" I smirked as she shot around and gave me a death glare.

"NO!! My favorite is not Mikazuki! Its Kashuu Kiyomitsu! You should've known that! Mikazuki may just be the charming type, but everyone knows that Kashuu is the heartthrob of the group and he definitely has the most fans by default!" She huffed as I stared at her with an uninterested face.

"And this is you you don't have very many friends. You obsess over boys who are completely out if your reach, that you can't even get close to and are superhumans compared to me." I stated as she blushed red and her face looked as though she had just remembered something.

"Well while we are speaking of Touken Danshi I was wondering of your accompany me to this Saturdays concert in Shibuya. Its to far of a distance for a mear teenage girl like me to go alone and I kinda accidentally bought two tickets. So what do you say? Yay or nay?" She asked as my face when completely white.

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