FlashBack Chapter (Kashuu Kiyomitsu Version)

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Hey there?? How'd everyone like the first 4 chapters so far?? Last chapter ended on a really weird note and I'm very sorry about that!! I'm working on chapter 5 at the moment, but I thought I'd do one of these first. I hope it's not to early in the story for one.......enjoy none the less!!

(Written 12/31/16)


"Yasusada!!!!! Aruji is giving us the day off!!!!" I screamed as I ran into our room and tackled him.

He stared at me and then pulled me fully to the ground, on top of him, and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Cherry flavor," He asked as he licked my lips, "Now how'd you get such a sweet flavor? I thought you liked Strawberry?"

"I wanted to surprise you since I know you like cherries. Was that to much??" I asked as he pushed on top of me on the floor and hugged me.

"No, its just perfect, just like you." He complimented as a soft blush spread across my face.

"R-really?? But you always say something like that......" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I say things like that because I love you and I wouldn't trade you for anyone else."


His kisses were always what I loved the most about the end of the day. It told me he cared for and loved me more than anyone else. He would always compliment and tell me if it was to much or just right. But there was more to him than just telling me if I was pretty, complimenting me every so often, or spending every second of his life with me, it was his caring soul that made me love and care for him so dearly.

He had always cared since day one about Okita-kun and I know he loved him dearly, but his insight on life changed after joining the citadel. I never thought he'd grow away from that phase, but once he did, he shocked me even more than the day he arrived in human form. Since that day his feelings for me had changed way more than just a best friend or fighting companion, they were feelings of care, worry, and love. The day he asked me out is the day everything in my life changed. Every day since we started dating, he always asks if I'm alright and he'll comfort me when I feel down, but he doesn't just care and love me. He cares for the others as well. He might not show it, but I he cares for everyone in a different way than he cares for me. Its what makes me love him so much.

Knowing that Yasusada will always be here for me until the day we die makes me the happiest and luckiest person on earth........

"What are you doing Kiyomitsu?!" A kiss was laid on the back of my neck as I jumped from shock and quickly closed my diary.

"I thought I told you Kashuu was just fine!! You let me call you Yamato whenever I want!! Its only fair!!." I stampered as I got up and put my diary back in its box and on its rightful shelf next to my vanity as quickly as I could before he could snatch it out of my hands.

"Oh come on you know I love calling you Kiyomitsu. Its way cuter than just plain Kashuu," He teased as he came over and started to play with a loose strand of my hair, " and why do you hide your diary from me?? I thought you trusted and love me."

"Yamato stop.......you'll pull all of my hair out and then I won't look pretty for Aruji-san." I replied as he turned me around and pulled me close to his torso, a light blush appearing overtop of the light blush that was already my cheeks.

"Who ever said you were going to see Aruji-san today??" He seductively stated as he pinned me to the closest wall and burried his face into my left shoulder.

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