Chapter 2

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Mr. Toma continues to look at me and dare I say, check me out? His intense gaze slowly starts at my feet and as he moves his gaze slowly up, his eyes turn heated. Our eyes make contact and I can tell my face is red from how warm they are. I'm not sure what his gaze means, or why its doing funny things to my tummy. He has me almost panting, what is going on with me?

"Miss Sorenson, please have a seat." He waves a hand towards to chairs in front of his desk. His voice was deep and husky, it gave me goosebumps. 

I walk as confidently as I could with his eyes on me. I really need to myself together. Taking a seat, I take more time then necessary to put my bag down next to me to help collect myself. I look back at him and realize that he has been staring at me. I take this time to take in his facial features. His long black hair, deep soulful eyes, straight nose, and full lips. His is a very attractive man. After a few more minutes of staring, we began the interview. Seeing as I really never had an interview before, I can't really say how it went. I want to think it went okay. I really enjoyed my time with him, he is really passionate about this aquarium.

On my way home, I stop at the store to get a few things for dinner. I'm making stuffed steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and for dessert, cake!

When I arrive at home, I do some laundry and put away the dishes. I find my thoughts are going back to Mr. Toma. I don't ever remember being so enamored by any guys except for the Blackbourne team. I hate how everything ends up coming back to them. I know I loved them, I realize that now. They were all great men, but what I don't understand is why they suddenly left and why they didn't take me or at least let me know. I just woke up to an empty house. After calling and waiting for them for months and months, I gave up ever seeing them again. I ended up breaking the phone and throwing it away. I grabbed all my clothes and anything else that was originally mine and left. I was upset, mad, and confused. I didn't understand why they would just leave like that. I mean, they promised to always be with me and never leave me behind. I guess I should have seen it coming.

Author's Note:

Merry Chrismas everyone! I know its super short but I just wanted to get something out tonight, I'm going to be posting a chapter for my other story tomorrow or on Tuesday, and maybe another one for this one! Thanks for all the votes and wonderful comments, they mean so much to me!! Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes! Let me know what you think! Also, I was thinking of making Kaylie the Toma team's ex and that way they would know the whole love her or lose her kind of deal? Thoughts on this would be nice! Thanks for reading!! 

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