Chapter 6

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Sofia's pov:
When I opened the door a package was on the door step. I looked around shrugged my shoulders and picked up the package. I then went inside and when I turned around Amber was right there! "Ahhh" I screamed and she asked "what" and I gave her a look that said what are you doing? She rolled her eyes and asked "who was at the door" and I answered "no one, just this package addressed too..." I trailed off and looked to the label. "It''s addressed to me" I said confused "I wonder what's inside" "why don't you open it and find out" Amber asked and I shrugged my shoulders. I opened the package and found inside was a note and a perfume bottle. I took out them both and read the letter. "Dear Sofia, I found this and immediately thought of you-Love mom. Aw that was nice" and I read the label "sugar and spice". "Mom sent you perfume" Amber questioned an I said "apparently" and took it upstairs to my room. When I went back down I found everyone cleaning up the dishes and a plate was set aside for me. "Aw thanks guys" I said and sat down to eat. "No problem" Hugo said and went back to rinsing dishes. When everyone was done we all sat down in the living room. "So here is what needs to be done today, Hugo, Vivian, Desmond and I need to get groceries. Axel and Amber need to do laundry. Zandar and Hildegard need to clean the kitchen. James and Clio need to clean out the pool" I said and they all groaned. "Why don't you make it fun" I suggested and Hildegard asked "how can chores be fun". "Well James and Clio could swim while they clean, and Axel and Amber could have a clothes war or contest. Zandar and Hildegard could put some music on and strapped sponges to their feet and scrub the floors that way. As for us we could always dance around the store getting things" I said and everyone suddenly cheered at doing their chores. I giggled as they all ran off getting what they need.

Hildegard's pov:
I got in an old outfit and headed downstairs where I found Zandar waiting for me with sponges and string in the kitchen. "Ready to dance" he asked and I laughed and strapped the sponges to my feet and Zandar put on some fun music. "Let's go" I said and we danced right through every chore in the kitchen.

Axel's pov:
I got on some old clothes and went downstairs when I was attacked with socks being pelted at me. I saw Amber was throwing them and had thrown in a pile of clothes. "Oh it is so on" I said and she yelled "you'll never catch me alive sucker" and ran off.

Clio' pov:
I got my bathing suit on and headed out to the pool. I was James with the skimmer so I pushed him into the pool. I laughed evilly and then shouted "cannon ball" and jumped in. "Hey, I wanted to push you in" James complained and I laughed, then he started laughing.

Desmond's pov:
We arrived at the store and we blasted music and started to dance around each other. I don't think I have ever had more fun! We tossed items to each other and used the shelves as drums and stuff. We even got a dance circle in the middle of the store with almost everyone! We were all chanting as Hugo breakdanced "go, go, go ,go, go, go, go".

Author's pov:
-Meanwhile back at the house in Sofia's room-
An evil laugh was made as the 'perfume' glowed bright purple, but nobody was there to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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