Day 3

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I ran outside my room, fully dressed and meat Toshiro. He was looking out a window and I saw a flying Hollow a few blocks away.
"No!" I told him, grabbing his arm. "You can't fight in your condition! Now come on. You said you wanted to show me something."
"Fine," he said, still looking at the Hollow. Just then we saw Ichigo jump out to the Hollow and destroy it.
"Nothing to worry about," I said. "Ichigo can take care of them." We walked downstairs and out the front door, leaving a stunned Yuzu behind. Toshiro lead me up a hill, then another. He kept going to higher ground as if a flood was going to happen. When we finally got to the highest point in town, he stopped, looking at the sun. The sun was high in the sky and I could see all of town below me.
   "This place gives me inspiration," he said. "I love it up here, just like down below."
   "Wow," I whispered. Toshiro put his right arm around me and I smiled. "Come with me," I said. "Let's go to the soccer field."
"What for?" Toshiro asked.
"To practice," I said. "You have played for two years. Your a Soul Reaper, yes, but not a professional soccer player."
   "I'm fine," he said. "You don't need to go through the trouble just for a game."
"Come on," I said. "I was supposed to meant my friends at the field anyways. I'll teach you everything you need to know!" We went to the field my friends and I played at. Toshiro looked around, remembering his first time there.
"You had a scraped knee and acted like it didn't bother you," Toshiro said, looking at the net where I talked with him about joining the game. "You asked me to join, even though I only came to talk about you powers."
"Really?" I asked. "You found out that I knew, though. Oh, hey look!" I pointed to a group of 3rd year junior high school students. Four boys were talking with one another, until they noticed us.
"It's Karin!" one shouted.
"Hey Karin!" another shouted.
"Hey, Kyoya! Rin!" I shouted to them. "Keli! Did you bring the ball?"
"Yeah," the third said. He kicked me the ball and I kicked it with my right foot. It went straight into the net and my friends cheered.
"Nice one!" the fourth said.
"Thanks, Yu," I said. I looked at Toshiro and smiled. "You all remember Toshiro, right?" They all nodded and Toshiro smiled.
"It's been a while," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Let's play some soccer!"
"It's on!" I shouted and we made teams. Kyoya, Rin and Keli on one team with Yu, Toshiro and I on the other. We started and Toshiro got the ball from Keli. He passed it to me as I dribbled it down the field. Kyoya intercepted me and I kicked it back to Toshiro. He started dribbling it downfield until Keli stopped it from going in the net. Rin got it next and kicked it to Kyoya. They got it to the goal, but Yu barely stopped it from getting in. We kept playing for another few hours or so until everyone had to head home. It was around 5 in the afternoon now, and we went to the spot where I always found Toshiro when he visited.
"Nice sunset," he said. "Even though it's still only 5." I laughed and jumped over the fence to the hill. I lay down in the grass and looked at the sun from that view. Toshiro joined me and I glanced at him quickly. He had his eyes closed and his hands behind his head.
   "Ever since you first told me it was a good spot to see the sun," I started, "I'd come up here every chance I got. It reminds me of you and how we first met."
   "I stopped your ball before it rolled into the street," he said, opening his eyes and looking at me. "That was the very first moment we met."
   "Yeah," I said, remembering. He sat up and put his arm on his knee.
   "You sure have changed over two years," he said, smiling at me.
   "Hey!" I asked, blushing. "What's that supposed to mean?!" He laughed and then looked at the sun. I growled softly at him, but then looked at the sun, too. "You've always caught my interests," I said, still looking at the sun. "When I first sensed your presence with everyone else's. Rukia. Renji. Yours. Everyone's spiritual pressure was different and unique."
"Yeah," he agreed. "I felt yours when I went to your house too. When I first met you in person, I felt your pressure, but didn't make the connection."
"Anyways," I said, wanting to change the subject. "You didn't have anything in mind? Anything you wanted to do?"
"Not really," he said. I turned towards him and saw we had both moved closer together. His face was only inches from mine. I blushed, but put my head on his right shoulder. He responded by putting his arm around me.
"I found you," someone said behind us. We both spun around and saw a orange haired woman in a pale yellow dress and sandals. She was grinning mischievously at Toshiro.
   "Rangiku?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"
   "I was stationed here along with Rukia and Renji," she said. "Obviously this wasn't a good time to interrupt you two lovebirds." We both blushed and Toshiro got up.
   "I'll walk you home and then meet you back here in a half an hour," he said and helped me up.
   "You'll still be back tonight, right?" I asked.
   "Don't worry about me," he smiled at me. When we were almost home, I heard a roar. Great spiritual pressure consumed me as Toshiro had his Soul Reaper body come out. He unsheathed his sword and had it ready as someone came behind me. Toshiro slashed at him and he dodged. He disappeared once again and appeared next to Toshiro. He slashed rapidly with his sword, giving Toshiro more cuts. Then he disappeared for good.
   "Toshiro!!" I shouted, catching him as he fell. I then carried him all the way back, making sure his wounds didn't bleed too much. When I walked inside, I felt Rukia, Renji and Ichigo's spiritual pressure upstairs.
   "Hey-" Yuzu started.
   "Ichigo!!" I screeched. "Rukia!! Renji!! Help me!!" I heard them running downstairs in a hurry.
   "What happened?" Ichigo asked as they got to the door. Renji, pink haired and tattooed lines on his face, was wearing a white shirt and tan pants. He had a white cloth around his forehead tied in the back. Rukia had short black hair and purple eyes, wearing a gray dress and black knee socks.
   "Captain Hitsugaya!" Renji said.
   "What happened?" Ichigo asked as Renji and Rukia took Toshiro from me. I had a little blood on me, but I didn't care.
   "He got attacked on our way here," I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. "He protected me from the Soul Reaper named Seji."
   "Ka...rin," Toshiro muttered, opening his eyes and looking at me. I bent over and put my head on his shoulder.
   "You really are an idiot," I whispered in his ear, tears finally streaming down my face. We all took him into one of our clinic rooms and Yuzu started cleaning and dressing Toshiro's wounds. Ichigo, Rukia and Renji went Hollow hunting and said they'd be gone until dinner. I sat next to Toshiro as he slept for another 20 minutes.
   "Damn it," he muttered, waking up and staring in the ceiling.
   "He's at least Captain level," I said, looking at him. "You were trying to protect me, though. Thanks for that."
   "That was the third time I've saved you," he said, smiling at me. I smiled back, but knew we had a growing problem on our hands.

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