Day 8

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"Karin?" Yuzu called, knocking on my door. "Are you ready for dinner? It's 6:30 already. Come on down!" I heard her steps fade away down the stairs and then heard Ichigo, Renji, Rukia and Rangiku walked past my room and downstairs. I then got out of bed and walked to my door. I put my hand on the doorknob and remembering the passed week. My knees buckled and I fell over.
   "No," I muttered. "I don't think I can handle this anymore."
   "Handle what?" Toshiro asked, sitting on my windowsill. I clutched my chest, standing up. I looked over to him, tears in my eyes.
   "This," I said, motioning to his bandages.
   "I'm fine," he said. "Really. I still haven't gotten my Banki yet, but I have a feeling I'm getting closer to finding out what it is." I clenched my teeth.
   "I just want you to be safe!!" I shouted. I looked at the ground and started sobbing. "I care about you, Toshiro! I want you to stay safe! I-"
   "Just stop talking!" Toshiro said, coming up and hugging me. "Just be quiet, Karin!" I blushed, but then felt someone's presents behind the door. I pushed myself away and swung my door open. Yuzu and Dad were kneeling there, glass cups in their hand.
"WAHT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, DAD!?!?!?!?" I shouted, kicking him. "YOU CREEPY PERVERT!!!!"
"But Karin!!" Yuzu complained. "We can't help it!!"
"Your not my mom!!" I growled at her. "I thought Ichigo would've kicked you away from here by now!"
    "Actually," Dad scratched his head. "Ichigo and his friends aren't here at the moment. They went to Kisuke's because of a request. Toshiro was the only one who stayed behind."
"What?" I thought about what I'd said earlier. "They actually went over to ask if I was qualified? What the heck, Ichigo!?" I clenched my fist and walked out my bedroom door.
   "Where are you going?" Yuzu called after me as I went downstairs.
   "To Kisuke's!" I shouted, putting my shoes on. "I'm going to give Ichigo a piece of my mind!!"
"About what?" Ichigo asked, opening the front door and walking inside. I stared at him and then folded my arms.
"What did Kisuke say?" I asked. "Did he say I was capable of helping you or not?" Ichigo stiffened.
"He said your able to come along," Ichigo said and I grinned at him. "But that doesn't mean I'll let you," he added. I blinked.
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT!!!!" Ichigo shouted back. I glared at him.
"Tsk!" I took my shoes back off and stormed up the stairs, passing Toshiro, Yuzu and Dad on the way there. I got to my room and slammed my door shut, not wanting to be disturbed. I then plopped down on my bed. I turned my head and looked at my right hand, holding it in front of my face. I just wanted to help them and didn't know why Ichigo was making a big deal out of this.
"Karin?" Yuzu called, knocking on the door. "Do you want some dinner?"
"No!!" I shouted. I heard her peep then walk off. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Hey Karin!!" Yuzu shouted around 6:30. "Wake up!! It's time to go to school!! We'll be late if you don't get up!!!" I groaned and then got up, going to get my uniform. I grabbed it and started putting it on. By the time I got downstairs, it was 6:45.
"Morning," Ichigo said. I glared at him and sat at the table. I wolfed down my breakfast and then grabbed my school bag. "I still can't believe your a third year in junior high," Ichigo said.
   "Stop that!" I growled at him. "Just leave me alone. If anything happens, then you'll know right away. You have Rukia and Renji, right? I'll see you later." I walked out the door and started down the street.
"So school again?" Toshiro asked behind me.
   "I'm missed school the last day or so," I said. "I need to catch up on my work."
   "It's Friday," he said. "Can't you stay home? Please?"
   "I'm sorry, Toshiro," I said. "I can't. Don't worry about me. Don't push yourself too hard. I'll skip practice today, so I can come home early. I'll be back around 2:30."
   "Karin!!" Yuzu shouted, joining me. "Come on!! We'll be late!!!" I smiled at Toshiro before taking off with Yuzu.

   Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
   The bell rang and I quickly started putting my stuff away. I grabbed my briefcase and walked out of my classroom just as someone was running passed. We crashed into each other and fell over.
   "Ow," I muttered, sitting up and looking at who I bumped into.
   "Karin?" Yuzu asked, looking at me.
   "Yuzu?" I asked. We helped each other up and I looked at her. "Why are you in such a hurry?"
   "There's news," she said but then looked at all the kids watching us. "Come on! We need to get home! I'll tell you on the way!" We ran down the stairs and out the front doors. We started running down the street and I saw a group of people up ahead. It was Ichigo and his friends running towards us.
   "What's the matter?" I asked.
   "We can't find Toshiro anywhere!" Ichigo said. I stopped, and it seemed like time stopped with me.
   Toshiro was now gone because I wasn't there to protect him.

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